
We kept faith with Amr on a day of Amr's like one

وفينا لعمرو يوم عمرو كأنه

1. We kept faith with Amr on a day of Amr's like one
Hunted away by a Mudhij and the Scythians,

١. وَفَينا لعمرِو يَومَ عَمروٍ كأَنَّهُ
طَريدٌ نَفَتهُ مَذحِجٌ وَالسَكاسِكُ

2. Messenger of Allah's Messenger, greater in his right
Upon us, and he who knows not the right is lost,

٢. رَسولُ رسولِ اللَه أَعظِم بحقِّه
علينا ومن لا يعرفِ الحقَّ هالِكُ

3. We turned him back; no shame now stains Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib
In him, now that the roads are closed against him,

٣. ردَدَناهُ لم يُشتَم لؤَيُّ بن غالِبٍ
بِهِ الآنَ إِذ ضاقَت عليهِ المسالكُ

4. In us he found sanctuary with men of God and with Ja'far,
And with Malik, though the wrong was his wont before;

٤. تَضَمَّنه منا عِبادٌ وَجَيفَرٌ
وَظالِمٌ المودي إِليهِ الصَعالِكُ

5. So Amr dwelt in Medina unscathed,
While the Syrians jeered at him on every side.

٥. فأَصبَحَ عَمروٌ بالمَدينَةِ سالِماً
يقهقِهُ مَزجيّا عليهِ الأَرامِكُ

6. Yet we are a folk whom our neighbor can trust amidst us,
Be the day one when the sun's light is quenched and dead,

٦. وَنَحنُ أُناسٌ يأَمَنُ الجارُ وسطَنا
إِذا كانَ يَومٌ كاسِفُ الشَمسِ حالِكُ

7. Thus the virtuous women enjoined their clan,
And so Umran and he who guards the truth commanded.

٧. بِذلكَ أَوصى نِسوَةُ الخَير قومَه
وَعمرانُ والحامي الحقيقةِ مالِكُ