
Indeed Sadus has truly witnessed that I

لقد شهدت حقاً سدوس بأنني

1. Indeed Sadus has truly witnessed that I
Am the skilled horseman who severs throats

١. لَقَد شَهِدَت حَقّاً سَدوسٌ بِأَنَّني
أَنا الفارِسُ المُعتادُ قَطعَ الحَناجِرِ

2. I have attained victory, and after the aged one
I have subdued him unwillingly despite tusks

٢. تَلَقَيتُ نَصراً وَالمُعَمَّرَ بَعدَهُ
وَأَردَيتُهُ كَرهاً بِرَغمِ المَناخِرِ

3. And Mansur will see from us wonders
My mention enumerated in all gatherings

٣. وَسَوفَ يَرى مَنصورُ منّا عَجائِباً
يُعَدِّدُ ذِكري في جَميعِ المَحاضِرِ

4. And there must be dust that pursues dust
And is followed by sons and soon by others

٤. وَلا بُدَّ مِن غِبرٍ يُتابِعُ غِبرَهُ
وَيَتبَعُ أَولاداً وَشيكاً بِآخَرِ

5. You thought, O Sadus, when you killed my father
And nine brothers, I can be stopped by a tenth

٥. ظَنَنتُم سَدوسٌ إِذ قَتَلتُم والِدي
وَتِسعَةَ إِخواني أُمَدُّ بِعاشِرِ

6. Why did you not know that around me are young men
Who charge with the sharp blades of swords

٦. فَهَلّا عَلِمتُم أنَّ حَولي فِتيَةً
تَصولُ عَلى بيضِ السُيوفِ البَواتِرِ