1. All things are fated to decay
Except my Lord, and righteous deeds.
١. كُلُّ شَيءٍ مَصيرُهُ لِلزَوالِ
غَيرَ رَبّي وَصالِحِ الأَعمالِ
2. People stare with greedy eyes
Yet no trickery will serve their needs.
٢. وَتَرى الناسَ يَنظُرونَ جَميعاً
لَيسَ فيهِم لِذاكَ بَعضُ اِحتِيالِ
3. Tell Abla's mother to weep for Bujayr
Whose passing sundered men from wealth untold
٣. قُل لِأُمِّ الأَغَرِّ تَبكي بُجَيراً
حيلَ بَينَ الرِجالِ وَالأَموالِ
4. Yes, by my life! For Bujayr I will weep
Until from mountain peaks the waters roll.
٤. وَلَعَمري لَأَبكِيَنَّ بُجَيراً
ما أَتى الماءُ مِن رُؤوسِ الجِبالِ
5. For Bujayr my soul burns with desire
When destriers stamp and ranks in combat close
٥. لَهفَ نَفسي عَلى بُجَيرٍ إِذا ما
جالَتِ الخَيلُ يَومَ حَربٍ عُضالِ
6. When lances clash and white blades flash
As warriors grapple with their warrior foes
٦. وَتَساقى الكُماةُ سُمّاً نَفيعاً
وَبَدا البيضُ مِن قِبابِ الحِجالِ
7. And ladies' cheeks grow flushed as they implore:
"O for Bujayr, a lofty knight of charm!"
٧. وَسَعَت كُلُّ حُرَّةِ الوَجهِ تَدعو
يا لِبَكرٍ غَرّاءَ كَالتِمثالِ
8. O Bujayr, fount of bounty! Not until
Our blades are filled with foemen's lives shall we be calm
٨. يا بُجَيرَ الخَيراتِ لاصلحَ حَتّى
نَملَأَ البيدَ مِن رُؤوسِ الرِجالِ
9. When their blood drenches chests will eyes find peace
After their weeping for the loved ones slain
٩. وَتَقَرَّ العُيونُ بَعدَ بُكاها
حينَ تَسقي الدِما صُدورَ العَوالي
10. Wailers cry loud at dawn, for now
With camel's tramp and loads is Wael afevered plain
١٠. أَصبَحَت وائِلٌ تَعِجُّ مِنَ الحَر
بِ عَجيجَ الجِمالِ بِالأَثقالِ
11. I knew not of their gardens, God knows best,
Yet now their heat consumes me, stack and stone
١١. لَم أَكُن مِن جُناتِها عَلِمَ اللَهُ
وَإِني لِحَرِّها اليَومَ صالِ
12. I avoided Wael, hoping they'd awake
But Taghlib's grip allowed no chance to flee my own
١٢. قَد تَجَنَّبتُ وائِلاً كَي يُفيقوا
فَأَبَت تَغلِبٌ عَلَيَّ اِعتِزالي
13. To taunt me, they drove my camel past
Bujayr slain though he no battle fought
١٣. وَأَشابوا ذُؤابَتي ببُجَيرٍ
قَتَلوهُ ظُلماً بِغَيرِ قِتالِ
14. Basely with a sandal-strap they killed
A prince! Foul murder with a thong is fraught.
١٤. قَتَلوهُ بِشِسعِ نَعلٍ كُلَيبٍ
إِنَّ قَتلَ الكَريمِ بِالشِسعِ غالِ
15. Taghlib's sons, take care! For we
Have drained death's bitter cup without recall
١٥. يا بَني تَغلِبَ خُذوا الحِذرَ إِنّا
قَد شَرِبنا بِكَأسِ مَوتٍ زُلالِ
16. You slew a man, O Taghlib's youths
Whose like for nobility we never saw at all
١٦. يا بَني تَغلِبٍ قَتَلتُم قَتيلاً
ما سَمِعنا بِمِثلِهِ في الخَوالي
17. Bring my ostrich steed to me
Wael's war has left me strengthless, limp and frail
١٧. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لَقِحَت حَربُ وائِلٍ عَن حِيالِ
18. Bring it closer! Not mere words
But deeds of mine shall soon reveal the tale
١٨. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لَيسَ قَولي يرادُ لَكِن فعالي
19. Bring it closer! Women Noah blamed
When men took second wives in days of old
١٩. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
جَدَّ نَوحُ النِساءِ بِالإِعوالِ
20. Bring it closer! Grey has grown my hair
And the young girls no longer speak my name, I'm told
٢٠. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
شابَ رَأسي وَأَنكَرَتني القَوالي
21. Bring it closer! For night rounds
And climbing hills at dawn, my joints are too stiff-set
٢١. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لِلسُرى وَالغُدُوِّ وَالآصالِ
22. Bring it closer! So heros can embrace
And stalwarts greet their equals without let
٢٢. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
طالَ لَيلي عَلى اللَيالي الطِوالِ
23. Turn from ignorant men's loose talk Bring it closer!
Bring it closer! My heart quails not
٢٣. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لِاِعتِناقِ الأَبطالِ بِالأَبطالِ
24. From battle, and my soul disdains retreat
Bring it closer! When North winds blast
٢٤. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
وَاِعدِلا عَن مَقالَةِ الجُهّالِ
25. Their coldest chill, and branches lash and beat
Bring it closer! For Bujayr who undid
٢٥. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لَيسَ قَلبي عَنِ القِتالِ بِسالِ
26. Our chains and freed us from captivity
Bring it closer! For this noble soul
٢٦. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
كُلَّما هَبَّ ريحُ ذَيلِ الشَمالِ
27. Crowned with glory and unmatched nobility
Bring it closer! We do not sell men
٢٧. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لِبَجَيرٍ مُفَكِّكِ الأَغلالِ
28. Like shoes! This market-haggling we deny
Bring it closer! Bujayr, for whom my uncle
٢٨. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لِكَريمٍ مُتَوَّجٍ بِالجَمالِ
29. And aunt would sacrifice themselves, for whom would I
Draw it nearer, as a dread mount for Taghlib's horsemen
٢٩. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لا نَبيعُ الرِجالَ بَيعَ النِعالِ
30. When champions grapple on the field of fight
Lead it forth, a stout spearshaft of seasoned elmwood
٣٠. قَرِّبا مَربَطَ النَعامَةِ مِنّي
لِبُجَيرٍ فداهُ عَمّي وَخالي
31. To repel the archer's shafts in towering flight
With smooth lances of Yemen, bring it closer!
٣١. قَرِّباها لِحَيِّ تَغلِبَ شوساً
لِاِعتِناقِ الكُماةِ يَومَ القِتالِ
32. When heroes close in clashing ranks outright
Full many a horde I've seen, pelted by death
٣٢. قَرِّباها وَقَرِّبا لَأمَتي دِر
عاً دِلاصاً تَرُدُّ حَدَّ النِبالِ
33. Though panoplied knights stood haughty in their might
Ask Kindah's warriors, and Bekr's horsemen too
٣٣. قَرِّباها بِمُرهَفاتٍ حِدادٍ
لِقِراعِ الأَبطالِ يَومَ النِزالِ
34. Inquire of Mudhij's riders, and Hayy's band
When we face a potent force mailed for war
٣٤. رُبَّ جَيشٍ لَقيتُهُ يَمطُرُ المَو
تَ عَلى هَيكَلٍ خَفيفِ الجِلالِ
35. Grim, staunch, and stern, and skilled hand against hand
We drive them off when they seek to trade glance for glance
٣٥. سائِلوا كِندَةَ الكِرامَ وَبَكراً
وَاِسأَلوا مَذحِجاً وَحَيِّ هِلالِ
36. Like hornets routed by stones swiftly sped
٣٦. إِذا أَتَونا بِعَسكَرٍ ذي زُهاءٍ
مُكفَهِرِّ الأَذى شَديدِ المَصالِ
٣٧. فَقَرَيناهُ حينَ رامَ قِرانا
كُلَّ ماضي الذُبابِ عَضبِ الصِقالِ