1. I killed the son of Imran al-Fudayl and his servant
With the sword of my young slave Ma'mar ibn Siwar
١. قَتَلتُ اِبنَ عَمرانَ الفُضَيلَ وَعَبدَهُ
بِذَحلِ غُلامي مَعمَرَ بنِ سِوارِ
2. And I did not intend killing al-Fudayl, but rather
I sought to take revenge when I took vengeance
٢. وَما رُمتُ قَتلاً لِلفضيلِ وَإِنَّما
أَرَدتُّ ذِمامي إِذ أخَذتُ بِثاري
3. I shot an arrow at him which hastened his death
And that was something not of my choosing
٣. رَمَيتُ بِهِ سَهماً فَعَجَّلَ حَتفَهُ
وَذَلِكَ شَئٌ لَم يَكُن بِخِياري
4. So wish me well for the battle and ordeal
And the mustering of horses brought near for the fray
٤. أَلا فَاِسعِدوني لِلوَقيعَةِ وَالبَلا
وَإِضمارِ خَيلٍ قُرِّبَت لِمُغارِ