1. The cavalry of Sadus that destroyed his legions,
The spears in their heads like shooting stars,
١. سا ئِل سَدوسَ الَّتي أَفنى كَتائِبها
طَعنُ الرِماحِ الَّتي في رُؤسِها شُهُبُ
2. If you do not meet us in battle, your horsemen have witnessed
That I stand fast with patience.
٢. إِن لَم تُلاقوا بِنا جُهداً فَقَد شَهِدَت
فُرسانُكُم أَنَّني بِالصَبرِ مُعتَصِبُ
3. Woe to you from our chieftains gathered
In columns, pouring down like heavy rain.
٣. يا وَيلَ أُمِّكُم مِن جَمعِ سادَتِنا
كَتائِباً كَالرُبى وَالقَطرِ يَنسَكِبُ
4. Abu Uqail, do not slaughter your chieftains,
For you are you, and time keeps changing.
٤. أَبا عُقَيلٍ فَلا تَنحَر بِسادَتِكُم
فَأَنتُم أَنتُم وَالدَهرُ يَنقَلِبُ
5. If we make peace, we will come for you
With every Indian sword in its sheath,
٥. فَإِن سَلِمنا فَإِنّا سائِرونَ لَكُم
بِكُلِّ هِندِيَّةٍ في حَدِّها شُطَبُ
6. And every bare-flanked mare, surrounded
On all sides by a lion with pedigree.
٦. وَكُلِّ جَرداءَ مِثلِ السَهمِ يَكنُفُها
مِن كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ لَيثٌ لَهُ حَسَبُ
7. Do not think, O people, that we will let you slip away
Or flee when flight becomes necessary.
٧. لا تَحسَبوا أَنَّنا يا قَومُ نُفلِتُكُم
أَو تَهرُبونَ إِذا ما أَعوَزَ الهَرَبُ
8. No, by the Lord of the swaying anklets at dawn,
Which spirited youths pursue when called upon.
٨. كَلّا وَرَبِّ القِلاصِ الراقِصاتِ ضُحىً
تَهوي بِها فِتيَةٌ غُرٌّ إِذا اِنتُدِبوا