
The madness of passion builds without foundation

عذول الهوى يبني بغير أساس

1. The madness of passion builds without foundation,
And gives verdicts without text or analogy.

١. عَذولُ الهَوى يَبني بِغَيرِ أَساسِ
وَيُفتي بِلا نَصٍّ وَغَيرِ قِياسِ

2. The wounds of today heal, if the zephyr heals,
While your heart remains harsh through the days.

٢. يَرِقُّ هَجيرُ اليَومِ إِن رَقَّتِ الصَبا
وَأَنتَ مَعَ الأَيّامِ قَلبُكَ قاسي

3. When will the fire of sickness be extinguished with a drink
Of a rosy cheek or a cup of wine?

٣. مَتى تَنطَفي نارُ الغَليلِ بِرَشفَةٍ
بِحُمرَةِ خَدٍّ أَو بِخَمرَةِ كاسِ

4. Even though the water of wine is very clear,
It contradicts the judgment of sight and analogy.

٤. عَلى أَنَّ خَمراً ماؤُهُ مُتَرَقرِقٌ
يُخالِفُ حِكمَيْ رُؤيَةٍ وَقِياسِ

5. If people practiced empathy in passion,
I would empathize or be empathized with.

٥. وَلَو شَرَعَ الناسُ المُواساةَ في الهَوى
لَكُنتُ أُواسَى أَو لَكُنتُ أُواسي

6. Except for his name, I have Samaritan jealousy,
So the mention of his name is like a touch from an admonisher.

٦. وَدونَ اِسمِهِ لي غَيرَةٌ سامِرِيَّةٌ
فَذِكرُ اِسمِهِ مِن عاذِلٍ كَمَساس

7. After them, relics comfort my loneliness,
How can I be comforted after losing my intimates?

٧. وَبَعدَهُمُ الآثارُ تُؤنِسُ وَحشَتي
وَكَيفَ بِأُنسي بَعدَ فَقدِ أُناسي

8. I have substituted tents for tents except for their evacuation,
And branches for branches while your branch is barren.

٨. مَهاً مِن مَهاً بُدِّلتُ إِلّا نِفارَها
وَغُصناً بِأَغصانٍ وَغُصنُكَ عاسِ

9. Worry has cast blackness into my thoughts
As worry has accumulated whiteness in my head.

٩. لَقَد نَبَذَ الهَمُّ السَوادَ بِخاطِري
كَما حَصَّلَ الهَمُّ البَياضَ بِراسي

10. And nothing hurts me but the crime of his eye,
With what my eyes deposited while he was sleeping.

١٠. وَلَم يُشجِني إِلّا جِنايَةُ عَينِهِ
بِما أودِعَت عَينايَ وَهوَ نُعاسي

11. If he were forgetful, I would be a reminder,
So do not awaken remembering in the forgetful.

١١. وَلَو أَنَّهُ ناسٍ لَكُنتُ مُذَكِّراً
فَلا تَبعَثِ التِذكارَ في المُتَناسي

12. Blame passes overflowing through my hearing,
Then passion crushes it for me.

١٢. يَمُرُّ عَلى سَمعي المَلامُ بِطافِحٍ
فَيَدمَغُهُ عَنّي الغَرامُ بِراسِ

13. Take me on trial as a slave, for I
Will sell you without bargaining.

١٣. خُذوني عَلى التَجريبِ عَبداً فَإِنَّني
أَبيعُكُم بَيعاً بِغَيرِ مِكاسِ

14. And I have endured what has pained my enemy from you,
Yet what I have yet to endure is more difficult for me.

١٤. وَقاسَيتُ ما أَنكى عَدُوِّيَ مِنكُمُ
وَأَصعَبُ عِندي مِنهُ ما سَأُقاسي

15. Whenever I was clothed in the armor
Of patience, today it was stripped from me.

١٥. وَكُنتُ إِذا فورِقتُ لابِسَ جُنَّةِ
مِنَ الصَبرِ فَاليَومَ اِستُلِبتُ لِباسي

16. And I never came to him full of hopeful ambition
Except that he sent me back with the garb of despair.

١٦. وَما جِئتُهُ يَوماً بِنَشطَةِ مَطمَعٍ
فَأَرجَعَني إِلّا بِفَترَةِ ياسِ

17. He scolded me when I said I have no strength,
And said, “Do you not have the strength of staffs?”

١٧. وَعَنَّفَني أَن قُلتُ ما ليَ طاقَةٌ
وَقالَ أَما تَقوى بِطاقَةِ آسِ