1. Eyes delight in her garden,
Wherein lies what souls desire,
١. تَلَذُّ بِجَنَّتِها أَعيُنٌ
وَفيها الَّذي تَشتَهي الأَنفُسُ
2. Her glance, when she greets with it,
Makes narcissus bow his eyes.
٢. لَها نَظرَةٌ إِذ تُحَيّي بِها
يَغُضُّ لَها عَينَهُ النَرجِسُ
3. She came with a suitor's suit,
So the assembly was lit for her flame.
٣. وَجاءَت بِعودٍ لَها خاطِبٍ
فَزُمَّ لِهَيبَتِهِ المَجلِسُ
4. When she sways as she walks,
She captivates all people after her.
٤. إِذا هِيَ جَسَّت مَضَت بِالصَوا
بِ فَالناسُ مِن بَعدِها حُبَّسُ
5. She has a miracle, if you contemplate it,
Yet the secret of its marvel is not revealed.
٥. لَها مُعجِزٌ إِن تَأَمَّلتَهُ
فَما سِرُّ إِعجازِهِ مُلبِسُ
6. While the lute before her is mute,
In her hand the mute speaks.
٦. أَما العودُ مِن قَبلِها أَخرَسُ
وَفي يَدِها يَنطِقُ الأَخرَسُ
7. As if intoxication is from her glance,
And the fire of love is kindled by it.
٧. كَأَنَّ المُدامَةَ مِن لَحظِها
وَنارُ الغَرامِ بِها تَقبِسُ
8. It disables, despite the light that is unveiled,
And clothes the beauty of what is worn.
٨. وَتَعطُلُ مَع نورِ ما يُجتَلى
وَتَعرى عَلى حُسنِ ما يُلبَسُ