1. You abandoned the young man unjustly, yet you found him
Bearing separation from his companion patiently when wronged
١. هَجَرتَ الفَتى ظُلماً لَهُ فَوَجَدتَهُ
مَلِيّاً بِهِجرانِ الخَليلِ إِذا ظَلَم
2. Tears flowed from him submissively while he bowed his head
Weak, frail, obedient as a pen yielding to your hand
٢. وَقَد كانَ يَجري دَمعُهُ وَهوَ ناكِسٌ
ضَعيفٌ نَحيفٌ طائِعٌ لِيَ كَالقَلَم
3. I did not confront you over the separation
Of one unaware of injustice in such dealings
٣. إِلَيكَ فَما قامَت عَلَيَّ قِيامَةٌ
لِفُرقَةِ مَن لا يَعرِفُ الغَبنَ في القِيَم
4. When you lit the fire of his abandonment, he warmed himself by it
And if he was wronged, he endured the pain that afflicted him
٤. إِذا أوقِدَت نارٌ لِهِجرانِهِ اِصطَلى
وَإِن يَجزِ عَن حيفٍ أَلَمَّ بِهِ اِصطَلَم