
You still are, on the day of dew, ransacker of aspirations

لا زلت يوم الندى خراج غايات

1. You still are, on the day of dew, ransacker of aspirations,
And you still are, on the day of turmoil, embracer of aspirations.

١. لا زِلتَ يَومَ النَدى خَرّاجَ غاياتِ
وَدُمتَ يَومَ الوَغى وَلّاجَ غاياتِ

2. So may the kingdom be congratulated for what you have shown of resolves
For seriousness, generosity, fire and heavens.

٢. وَليَهنَئِ المُلكَ ما أَظهَرتَ مِن هِمَمٍ
لِلجِدِّ وَالجودِ مِن نارٍ وَجَنّاتِ

3. You protect and aspire with an eye or generosity of a hand,
For people are between sheep or solidarity.

٣. تَحمي وَتَهمي بِعَينٍ أَو بِجودٍ يَدٍ
فَالناسُ ما بَينَ رَعيٍ أَو مُراعاةِ

4. The persistently glorious does not cease from fervor,
And connection diminishes from some of the youth.

٤. مُواصِلُ المَجدِ لا يَنفَكُّ مِن شَغَفٍ
وَالوَصلُ يَنقُصُ مِن بَعضِ الصَباباتِ

5. These are the beginnings, you have attained the sky through them,
So what do the enemies expect of these endings?

٥. هَذي البِداياتُ قَد نِلتَ السَماءَ بِها
فَما يَظُنُّ العِدى هَذي النِهاياتِ

6. The generosity of those who do not expect generosity impoverishes them,
And the war of those who do not expect war destroys them.

٦. عَطاءَ مَن لا يَظُنُّ الجودَ يُفقِرُهُ
وَحَربُ مَن لا يَظُنُّ الحَربَ تاراتِ

7. God is your neighbor, and the lifespans are butting
Off the ships from the plant of the tiny boats.

٧. اللَهُ جارَكَ وَالآجالُ كاشِرَةٌ
عَنِ القَواضِبِ مِن عُصلِ الثَنِيّاتِ

8. And through it the heroes have come together and acknowledged
And the piercing among them is like greetings.

٨. وَقَد تَداعَت بِها الأَبطالُ وَاِعتَرَفَت
وَالطَعنُ بَينَهُمُ مِثلُ التَحِيّاتِ

9. And the Indian swords have presented each other when dyed
Like the drinking when it is presented with cups.

٩. وَقَد تَهادَت سُيوفَ الهِندِ إِذ خُضِبَت
كَالشَربِ حينَ تَهادى بِالزُجاجاتِ

10. So how many their passions have cooled with the water of the sword,
And the sword is water for the fires of hot coals.

١٠. فَكَم بَرَدَت بِماءِ السَيفِ غُلَّتَها
وَالسَيفُ ماءٌ لِنيرانِ الحَزازاتِ