1. If you offer him a cup to cheer up a depressed man,
You will not hear from him, "Enough, I'm no longer depressed!"
١. إِن كُنتَ تُترِعُهُ كَأساً لِمُكتَئِب
فَلَستَ تَسمَعُ مِنهُ قَدكَ فَاِتَّئِبِ
2. It only leads him to don the shirt of darkness,
Since you came to him with lies instead of truth.
٢. فَما يَقُدُّ بِها إِلّا قَميصَ دُجىً
مُذ جِئتَ فيها عَلَيهِ بِالدَمِ الكَذِبِ
3. It does not settle when the water disturbs it,
As if my heart had rushed into confusion before it.
٣. لا تَستَقِرُّ إِذا ما الماءُ أَزعَجَها
كَأَنَّما سَبَقَت قَلبي إِلى الطَرَبِ
4. Its mixer is its diver, the cup is its sea,
The sea is of gold and the pearls are of loved ones.
٤. المَزجُ غَوّاصُها وَالكَأسُ لُجَّتُها
وَاللُجُّ مِن ذَهَبٍ وَالدُرُّ مِن حَبَبِ
5. So toast from the lowly a spark where you toast it,
A shower sprinkles sparks that flew from the flames.
٥. فَاِقدَح مِنَ الدَنِّ زَنداً حَيثُ تَقدَحُهُ
يَرمي الرَشاشَ شَراراً طارَ مِن لَهَبِ
6. Wine by the hands of thick-lipped cupbearers was harvested,
Like the date picker who harvests from the fronds.
٦. خَمراً بِأَيدي السُقاةِ الهيفِ قَد جُنِيَت
كَالجُلَّنارِ الَّذي يُجنى مِنَ القُضُبِ
7. The stars of darkness showed from above the dawn’s sun,
The cloud of loved ones, it is the daughter of clouds.
٧. أَبدَت نُجومَ دُجىً مِن فَوقِ شَمسِ ضُحىً
سَحابَةُ الحَبَبِ فَهيَ اِبنَةُ السُحُبِ
8. That old woman, may God preserve her, she is a sorceress,
She does not enchant the old man unless he returns a boy.
٨. تِلكَ العَجوزُ لَحاها اللَهُ ساحِرَةٌ
ما تَسحَرُ الشَيخَ إِلّا عادَ وَهوَ صَبي
9. So wine was the sword of the mixer that killed her,
And to kill a sorceress is the best offering.
٩. فَالخَمرُ كانَت سُيوفُ المَزجِ تَقتُلُها
وَقَتلُ ساحِرَةٍ مِن أَفضَلِ القُرَبِ
10. I seek refuge in God, our Master and His State,
Not from the eyes of people, but the eyes of grey hair.
١٠. أَعيذُ بِاللَهِ مَولانا وَدَولَتَهُ
لا مِن عُيونِ الوَرى بَل أَعيُنِ الشُهُبِ
11. And these are the excuses, do not cling to its weakness,
For sometimes it resorts to speaking lies.
١١. وَهيَ المَعاذيرُ لا تَعلَق بِعُروَتِها
فَرُبَّما أَلجَأَت نُطقاً إِلى كَذِبِ
12. Surely the admission of sin by the young man is quicker in
Extinguishing what the chapter of anger has ignited.
١٢. إِنَّ اِعتِرافَ الفَتى بِالذَنبِ أَسرَعُ في
إِطفاءِ ما أَوقَدَتهُ سَورَةُ الغَضَبِ
13. Pardoning is generosity, a generosity that has no cause,
More fortunate and honorable than generosity for a cause.
١٣. وَالعَفوُ جودٌ وجودٌ ما لَهُ سَبَبٌ
أَحظى وَأَكرَمُ مِن جودٍ عَلى سَبَبِ
14. The generous are surely above pardoning with an excuse,
For it is of their manners, generosity without request.
١٤. حاشا المَكارِمَ مِن عَفوٍ بِمَعذِرَةٍ
فَإِنَّ مِن خُلقِها جوداً بِلا طَلَبِ
15. In humiliation, in prison, you left behind your lover,
After immortalizing you with praise in books.
١٥. في الذُلِّ في السِجنِ خَلَّفتُم مُحِبَّكُمُ
مِن بَعدِ تَخليدِكُم بِالحَمدِ في الكُتُبِ
16. This is wondrous talk that does not please me,
So may the most high bring an end to the wonder.
١٦. هَذا حَديثٌ عَجيبٌ لَيسَ يُعجِبُني
فَلتَقضِ مِنهُ المَعالي آخِرَ العَجَبِ
17. I wish the grace of fortune could be earned,
Then I would earn it like merit and propriety.
١٧. وَدِدتُ لَو أَنَّ فَضلَ الحَظِّ مُكتَسَبٌ
فَكُنتُ أَكسِبُهُ كَالفَضلِ وَالأَدَبِ