1. The enemy has retreated, and Uthman behind them,
And the Muslims - this sums up the news.
١. وَلّى العَدُوُّ وَعُثمانٌ وَراءَهُمُ
وَالمُسلِمونَ وَهَذا جُملَةُ الخَبَرِ
2. The messenger came with lengthy news,
They said "Summarize it," so I said "Good news is brief."
٢. جاءَ البَشيرُ بِأَخبارٍ مُطَوَّلَةٍ
قالوا اِختَصِرها فَقُلتُ اللُطفُ بِالبَشَرِ