
Its parts mingled with the water

فامتزجت بالماء أجزاؤه

1. Its parts mingled with the water
Like the mingling of water with wind

١. فَاَمتَزَجَت بِالماءِ أَجزاؤُهُ
مِثلَ اِمتِزاجِ الماءِ بِالراحِ

2. Hello to nights of sorrow being
A lock which I did not find the key

٢. أَهلاً عَلى أَنَّ لَيالي الأَسى
قُفلٌ وَلَم أَظفَر بِمِفتاحِ

3. In an open air theatre spreading fragrance
Deceiving it to be dawn breaking

٣. بُمُدرَجٍ فاتِحِ الصاقَه
تَخالُهُ فالِقَ إِصباحِ

4. Pleasant even if danger is in taking a risk
Pushing away breast of worries with comfort

٤. طابَ وَإِنَّ الشانَ في خَطرَةِ
تَدفَعُ صَدرَ الهَمِّ بِالراحِ

5. My reader, shouting to make him understand
And disturbance has no chance to shout

٥. قاريهِ يا صاحِ لِإِفهامِهِ
وَلَيسَ لِلإِطرابِ بِالصاحي