1. After what befell of tribulations and burdens
He consoled himself with a house after a house but found no peace
١. عَلى إِثرِ ما حَلَّ الدَخولَ وَحَومَلا
تَسَلّى بِدارٍ بَعدَ دارٍ فَما سَلا
2. Indeed, a house is above a house thus this one
Deserves love while the other deserves highness
٢. نَعَم إِنَّ داراً فَوقَ دارٍ فَهَذه
لَها الحُبُّ وَالأُخرى يَحِقُّ لَها العُلا
3. So both houses suited what was for living in youth
With connection in the prime of youth a dwelling
٣. فَأَحلاهُما ما كانَ لِلعَيشِ في الصِبا
مَعَ الوَصلِ في جاهِ الشَبيبَةِ مَنزِلا
4. With your eye do not avert from the heart its arrow
For I have come to guide it to the arrow a killing
٤. بِعَينِكَ لا تَغضُض عَنِ القَلبِ سَهمَها
فَقَد جِئتُ أُهديهِ إِلى السَهمِ مَقتَلا
5. Is it denied that the blood of its wounded should flow?
So how much did the eyelids flow not how much the separator flowed
٥. أَيُنكَرُ أَن تَجري دِماءُ جَريحِهِ
فَكَم سَلَّ جَفناً لا فَكَم سَلَّ مُنصُلا
6. And downpour of tears that dried, lightened its heaviness
Do I hope that lightening the heaviness eased the heavily laden?
٦. وَوابِلِ دَمعٍ جَفَّ خَفَّفَ ثِقلَهُ
أَتَمقُتُ في أَن خَفَّفَ الثِقلَ مُثقَلا
7. It is the sun in face that I have attained its fervor
Repeatedly and the view’s face is that I should change
٧. هُوَ الشَمسُ وَجهاً قَد بَلَغتُ هَجيرَها
مِراراً وَوَجهُ الرَأيِ أَن أَتَحَوَّلا
8. It is the tear except that it is the son of agony which
Is mum from it he who of your secret did not agonize
٨. هُوَ الدَمعُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ اِبنُ جَلا الَّذي
يُجَمجِمُ عَنهُ مَن بِسِرِّكَ ما جَلا
9. A letter to him from a passionate heart inscribed
And there was in the title neither from nor to
٩. كِتابٌ إِلَيهِ مِن فؤادٍ مَعَنوَنٌ
وَما كانَ في العُنوانِ لا عَن وَلا إِلى
10. And it belies what the tear narrates about the heart
And had it not been for passion the tear would not have narrated so it invalidated
١٠. وَيُكذِبُ ما يَحكي عَنِ القَلبِ دَمعُهُ
وَلَولا الهَوى لَم يَحكِ دَمعٌ فَأَبطَلا
11. Yes he is infallible and speaks of passion
And he is not a prophet who stood but rather he came a messenger
١١. نَعَم هُوَ مَعصومٌ وَيَنطِقُ عَن هَوىً
وَلَيسَ نَبِيّاً قامَ بَل جاءَ مُرسَلا
12. And from the view of my heart that it kisses its soil
So the mouth of the tear flows from it a kisser
١٢. وَمِن رَأيِ قَلبي أَن يُقَبِّلَ تُرْبَهُ
فَيُرسِلَ ثَغرَ الدَمعِ عَنهُ مُقَبِّلا
13. Its greeting if not reciprocated with its like
Then one of the greetings of company is to shine
١٣. تَحِيَّتُهُ إِن لَم تُرَدَّ بِمِثلِها
فَإِحدى تَحايا الأُنسِ أَن يَتَهَلَّلا