
No sooner is one restored to his first wish

ما إن يرد إلى مراد أول

1. No sooner is one restored to his first wish
Than he is restored to his first days.

١. ما إِن يُرَدُّ إِلى مُرادٍ أَوَّلِ
حَتّى يُرَدَّ إِلى زَمانٍ أَوَّلِ

2. And these hastening events do not satisfy them,
Nor do those that endure. Then who can be moved and how could he?

٢. وَالهاطِلاتُ لَهُم وَما قَنِعوا بِها
وَالراسِخاتُ فَمَن يَهُزُّ وَكَيفَ لي

3. O Time, if that little which remains
Is enough to moisten faces, then make it little!

٣. يا دَهرُ إِتن كانَ القَليلُ هُوَ الَّذي
يَبقى بِهِ ماءُ الوُجوهِ فَقَلِّلِ

4. Ask not sustenance of servants, for perchance
It may come freely even if thou dost not ask.

٤. لا تَسأَلِ الرِزقَ العِبادَ فَرُبَّما
يَأتي بِهِ عَفواً وَإِن لَم تَسأَلِ