
The flag of glory is raised for generosity

رفعت للسماح راية مجد

1. The flag of glory is raised for generosity
You are more worthy of carrying it than its poles

١. رُفِعَت لِلسَماحِ رايَةُ مَجدٍ
أَنتَ أَولى بِحَملِها مِن عُرابَه

2. A generous man of generosity we witnessed
A call every Friday answered

٢. كَرَمٌ ذو كَرامَةٍ أَشهَدَتنا
دَعوَةً كُلَّ جُمعَةٍ مُستَجابَه

3. How many a people when they supplicated were answered
But overtaking them were setbacks that made them lowly

٣. رُبَّ قَومٍ إِذا دَعَو فَأُجيبوا
قَد عَلَتهُم فَاِستَسفَلَتهُم كَآبَه