
He gathered sins against me on the day of my punishment

حشد الذنوب علي يوم عتابي

1. He gathered sins against me on the day of my punishment
Until he reminded me of the day of my judgment

١. حَشَدَ الذُنوبَ عَلَيَّ يَومَ عِتابي
حَتّى لَأَذكَرَني بَيَومِ حِسابي

2. Welcome to this reproach, for it gives me good news
That I am among the most beloved of loved ones

٢. أَهلاً بِهَذا العَتبِ فَهوَ مُبَشِّري
أَنّي لِأَحبابي مِنَ الأَحبابِ

3. And when I cry, it is said he fakes his tears
And the lying deceiver's tears lead him astray

٣. وَإِذا بَكَيتُ يُقالُ زَوَّرَ أَدمُعاً
وَيَغُرُّ خادِعُ دَمعِهِ الكَذّابِ

4. Estrangement is a migrant whose mirage overflows
My eyelids, so they believe beyond any mirage

٤. وَالهَجرُ هاجِرَةٌ يُفيضُ سَرابَها
جَفني فَيَصدُقُ دونَ كُلِّ سَرابِ