
The days have been bright in the reign of al-'Aziz, son of Yusuf

صفا الدهر في ملك العزيز بن يوسف

1. The days have been bright in the reign of al-'Aziz, son of Yusuf,
So that no blemish has remained in it.

١. صَفا الدَهرُ في مُلكِ العَزيزِ بنِ يوسُفٍ
فَلَم يَبقَ فيهِ لِلشَوائِبِ باقِ

2. There is no scorpion but in the cheek of a fair maid,
No tyranny but under the sway of her leg.

٢. فَلا عَقرَبٌ إِلّا بِخَدِّ مَليحَةٍ
وَلا جَورَ إِلّا في وِلايَةِ ساقِ