
This one is haughty in her ambitions

هذا على كبرياء في مطامعها

1. This one is haughty in her ambitions
A soul trying to extract the precious from her poverty

١. هَذا عَلى كِبرِياءٍ في مَطامِعِها
نَفسٌ عَلى فَقرِها تَستَرخِصُ الغالي

2. So I did not lack a right hand drowning
In the sea of its favors, the pharaohs of my hopes

٢. فَلا عَدَمتُ يَميناً مِنهُ مُغرِقَةً
في يَمِّ مَعروفِها فِرعَونَ آمالي

3. A heart in which sorrows accumulated and crowded
So that its sorrows are more than its sorrows

٣. قَلبٌ تَراكَمَتِ الأَوجالُ وَاِزدَحَمَت
فيهِ فَأَوجالُهُ مِنهُ بِأَوجالِ

4. So say to a new worry that came to inhabit it
I advise you, seek an empty place

٤. فَقُل لِهَمٍّ جَديدٍ جاءَ يَسكُنُهُ
إِنّي نَصيحُكَ فَاِطلُب مَوضِعاً خالي

5. And worries have treasures locked in it
With silence over complaining with locks

٥. وَلِلهُمومِ كُنوزٌ فيهِ مُقفَلَةٌ
مِنَ السُكوتِ عَلى الشَكوى بِأَقفالِ

6. If happiness saw it, it would deny it
And if worry saw it, it would say this is mine

٦. فَلَو رَآهُ سُرورٌ كانَ يُنكِرُهُ
وَالهَمُّ لَو قَد يَراهُ قالَ هَذا لي

7. The acts of fate, when I denied its ways
I recognized from it what hopes were punished

٧. أَعمالُ دَهرٍ إِذا أَنكَرتُ سُنَّتَها
عَرَفتُ مِنها بِما عوقِبتُ آمالي

8. How long will I be in a state, if
The friend and enemy asked about it, he would say in ruin

٨. إِلى مَتى أَنا في حالٍ إذا سَأَلَت
عَنها الصَديقَ الأَعادي قالَ في حالِ

9. Their disloyalty to me is much, I do not mention it
And they mention what disloyalty I have not committed

٩. أَخلالُهُم بي كَثيرٌ لَستُ أَذكُرُهُ
وَيَذكُرونَ وَما أَخلَلتُ إِخلالي

10. No valley water, no fire on the verge
To the one who brought the lost to the found

١٠. لا ماءُ وادٍ وَلا نارٌ عَلى شَرَفٍ
إِلى الَّذي جَمَعَ الصادي إِلى الصالي

11. And I may attain needs with the easiest of them
The heat of embers is enough for you, the shade in the lost

١١. وَرُبَّما نِلتُ حاجاتٍ بِأَيسَرِها
يَكفيكَ نارَ الهَجيرِ الظِلُّ في الضالِ

12. I did not say I have nothing and if my hand has traced
Indicating denial, I have nothing

١٢. لا قُلتُ مالي وَإِن أَثَرَت يَدي أَبَداً
يُشيرُ بِالنَفى ما يا قائِلاً مالي

13. My resurrection is worry, worries resemble it
And the blast of the blow therein is the worst earthquake

١٣. قِيامَتي الهَمُّ إِنَّ الهَمَّ يُشبِهُها
وَنَفثَةُ النَفخِ فيها شَرُّ زِلزالِ

14. And the earth, its weights are the earthquake that brings them out
And I do not bring out in my complaint my weights

١٤. وَالأَرضُ أَثقالُها الزِلزالُ يُخرِجُها
وَلَستُ أُخرِجُ في شَكوايَ أَثقالي

15. They said, withdrawal from boon companions saddens them
And I do not see a crowd of you by my humiliation

١٥. قالوا اِنقِباضٌ عَنِ الخِلّانِ يوحِشُهُم
وَما أَرى حافِلاً مِنكُم بِإِذلالي

16. Stop at the ideas in books that carried
Mention of generous ones, so in it, which ruins

١٦. قِف بِالخَواطِرِ في الكُتبِ الَّتي حَمَلَت
ذِكرَ الكِرامِ فَفيها أَيُّ أَطلالِ

17. And protect their dwellings from the downpour of a weeping woman
And spare it for the ruins of the afflicted house

١٧. وَصُن مَنازِلَهُم مِن هَطلِ دامِعَةٍ
وَخَلِّها لِتِلالِ المَنزِلِ البالي

18. That the houses that are wept with burning
Are not the houses that cry with downpour

١٨. إِنَّ الدِيارَ الَّتي تُبكى بِمُتَّقِدٍ
غَيرُ الدِيارِ الَّتي تَبكي بِهَطّالِ