
I would not be pleased with your aloofness and disdain

وما كنت أرضى من علاك بذا الجفا

1. I would not be pleased with your aloofness and disdain
But he who is absent, his share is lost

١. وَما كُنتُ أَرضى مِن عُلاكَ بِذا الجَفا
وَلَكِنَّهُ مَن غابَ نَصيبُهُ

2. And if it were others who shot my heart with their arrows
It would not have been from those who hit their mark

٢. وَلَو غَيرُكُم يَرمي الفُؤادَ بِسَهمِهِ
لَما كانَ مِمَّن قَد أَصابَ يُصيبُهُ

3. And I have no example in those whom time has parted
As if a lover never saw his beloved

٣. وَما لِيَ فيمَن فَرَّقَ الدَهرُ أُسوَةٌ
كَأَنَّ مُحِبّاً ما نَآهُ حَبيبُهُ