
They said the loved ones neither turned away nor joined

قالوا الأحبة ما صدوا ولا وصلوا

1. They said the loved ones neither turned away nor joined
Then tell me if they ever lived or were they killed

١. قالوا الأَحِبَّةُ ما صَدّوا وَلا وَصَلوا
إِذاً فَقُل لِيَ ما أَحيَوا وَما قَتَلوا

2. And death for me would be rest but they
Would never allow anything in which I have hope

٢. وَالقَتلُ لي راحَةٌ لَكِنَّهُم أَبَداً
لا يَسمَحونَ بِشَيءٍ فيهِ لي أَمَلُ

3. Like the indifferent when their quest went astray
They spared me not their indifference nor felt indifference

٣. مِثلُ العَواذِلِ لَمّا ضَلَّ سَعيُهُمُ
لا أَمسَكوا عَذلَهُم عَنّي وَلا عَذَلوا

4. What have I to do with them or with the beloved's estrangement and the watchman's
Surveillance and the enemy's accusation. I cannot bear

٤. ما لي بِهِم وَبِهِجرانِ الحَبيبِ وَإِس
رافِ الرَقيبِ وَتَشنيعِ العِدا قِبَلُ

5. Nor does it cross my mind or stay in my memory
Or anything like what I have endured

٥. وَلَيسَ في خاطِري أَيضاً وَلا زَمَني
وَلا لِمَعشارِ ما أَلقاهُ مُحتَمَلُ

6. If my resolve falters it's the sea shuddering
And the mountain may quake when made to quiver

٦. إِن زَلَّ عَزمِيَ فَهوَ البَحرُ زَلزَلَةً
وَقَد يَخِفُّ إِذا ما زُلزِلُ الجَبَلُ

7. You've cast me out of life and my soul never left
And left it one with no hope

٧. أَخرَجتُموني مِنَ الدُنيا وَما خَرَجَت
نَفسي وَفارَقَها مَن لا لَهُ أَمَلُ

8. So the soul from its worries remains imprisoned in its body
Nay, the soul's companion remains imprisoned under worries

٨. فَالنَفسُ مِن هَمِّها في جِسمِها اِعتُقِلَت
بَل صاحِبُ النَفسِ تَحتَ الهَمِّ مُعتَقَلُ

9. The sin is for beauty not for love if they judge fairly
But they never judge fairly

٩. الذنبُ لِلحُسنِ لا لِلحُبِّ إِن عَدَلوا
في الحُكمِ لَكِنَّهُم في الحُكمِ ما عَدَلوا

10. Who of the two failed the other
Or was there no respite between their two passions

١٠. مَنِ الَّذي مِنهُما مِن قَبلِ صاحِبِهِ
أَم لَم يَكُن بَينَ وَجدانَيهِما مَهَلُ

11. I have no way to life now how can I live it
Oh would that I were like one whose paths are blocked

١١. مالي سَبيلٌ إِلى الدُنيا وَكَيفَ بِها
يا لَيتَني مِثلُ مَن ضاقَت بِهِ السُبُلُ