
I have reminded, though reminding tires me

وقد ذكرت والتذكار جهدي

1. I have reminded, though reminding tires me,
I have called out, if only my call were heard,

١. وَقَد ذَكَّرتُ وَالتَذكارُ جُهدي
وَقَد نادَيتُ لَو سُمِعَ النَداءُ

2. I came with it, though the worshipers had left,
I came with it, though the strollers had come,

٢. وَجِئتُ بِهِ وَقَد راحَ المُصَلّى
وَجِئتُ بِهِ وَقَد جاءَ المِشاءُ

3. The clouds of roses are dry from what
The interlopers crowded at their watering place,

٣. وَقَد جَفَّت غِمارُ الوِردِ مِمّا
تَزاحَمَ في مَورِدِها الدَلاءُ

4. If only Moses would quench me like Moses
Did the shepherds when they were driven from the watering place,

٤. فَلَو لَم يُعفِني موسى كَموسى
مِنَ السُقيا إِذا صُدِرَ الرِعاءُ

5. And not oblige me, so I am not obligated
To one whose reward was given before the gift,

٥. وَلا يَمنُن عَلَيَّ فَلا اِمتِنانُ
لِمَن بِحَزائِهِ سُبِقَ العَطاءُ

6. Gifts do not remain, though they be great,
But praise remains, however small.

٦. وَما تَبقى العَطايا وَهِيَ كُيرٌ
وَقَد يَبقى وَإِن قَلَّ الثَناءُ