1. I will be more mindful about making assumptions regarding gender or other attributes in the future. Here is the poem translation:
I will be silent in gratitude for his call
١. سَأَسكُتُ عَن شُكري نَداهُ لِعِلَّةٍ
يَقومُ لَها ذَنبي بِأَحسَنِ عُذرِه
2. For which my sin has the best excuse
If after effort I fall short in gratitude
٢. إِذا أَنا بَعدَ الجُهدِ قَصَّرتُ شاكِراً
فَقَد صارَ لِلتَقصيرِ ذَنبي كَشُكرِه