
The days have not unknotted the reins he holds

فلا حلت الأيام عقد زمامه

1. The days have not unknotted the reins he holds
Nor has the sun robbed the shade of his arcade.

١. فلا حَلَّتِ الأَيّامُ عَقدَ زِمامِهِ
وَلا سَلَبَتهُ الشَمسُ ظِلَّ رِواقِهِ

2. Yet I yearn for a mouthful of his land's dust
And to throw myself upon it in an embrace.

٢. وَإِنّي لَمُشتاقٌ إِلى رَشفِ تَربِهِ
وَإِلقاءِ صَدري فَوقَهُ بِعِناقِهِ