1. Your sickness still allures me into sickness,
Though you've recovered, and I sought recovery to no avail.
١. ما زالَ سُقمُكَ أَن أَغرى بِيَ السَّقَمَا
وَقَد شُفِيَت وَقَد رُمتُ الشِفاءَ فَما
2. You've increased the fame of a beauty not hidden,
So your sickness was a fire whose flame rose high.
٢. وَزِدتَ شُهرَةَ حُسنٍ غَيرَ خافِيَةٍ
فَكانَ سُقمُكَ ناراً قَد عَلا عَلَما
3. The fever of roses changes me in you when it comes,
For its sweet union does not kiss it insipidly.
٣. تُغيرُني فيكَ حُمّى الوِردَ إِذ وَرَدَت
فَما تُقَبِّلُهُ عَذبَ اللَمى شَبِما
4. I swear by his mouth that it is an oath
With which I honor myself among love's children an oath.
٤. أَقسَمتُ بِالثَغرِ مِنهُ إِنَّهُ قَسَمٌ
أَكرِم بِهِ عِندَ أَبناءِ الهَوى قَسَما
5. No mouth has kissed save that it was a lover's,
No cheek has walked save to a profound, concealed passion.
٥. ما قَبَّلَت فاهُ إِلّا وَهيَ عاشِقَةٌ
وَلا سَرَت ضَرَماً إِلّا لِسِرِّ ظَما
6. O garden of beauty, may you not wake up miserable,
Nor may your waterer's tears absent you long.
٦. يا رَوضَةَ الحُسنِ لا أَصبَحتِ ذاوِيَةً
وَلا أَغَبَّكِ سُقيا أَدمُعي ديما
7. The world was not rattled by his health,
Nor did fevers freely take what his protection preserved modestly.
٧. وَلا تَحَرَّشَتِ الدُنيا بِصِحَّتِهِ
وَلا اِستَباحَت لَهُ الحُمّى مَصونَ حِمى