1. A pillow that has watered their gatherings,
the water that their vineyards hoped for.
١. وسادَةٍ قَد سَقَت مَجالِسَهُم
ماءُ الَّذي أَطمَعَتْ كُرومُهُمُ
2. What tongue for one who dispraises them?
What words for one who envies them?
٢. أَيُّ لِسانٍ لِمَن يَذُمُّهُمُ
وَأَيُّ قَولٍ لِمَن يَرومُهُمُ
3. He said, so where is the wine in their dwellings?
I said, in their cave lies their secret.
٣. قالَ فَما الخَمرُ في مَخادِعِهِم
فَقُلتُ في كَهفِهِم رَقيمُهُمُ
4. He said, for the mixer above it, a strainer?
I said, their intoxicated ones are intact.
٤. قالَ فَلِلمَزجِ فَوقَها حَنَشٌ
قُلتُ فَسَكرانُهُم سَليمُهُمُ
5. Wine brings nothing but what it has brought.
Yet he does not blame it, rather blames them.
٥. ما تورِدُ الخَمرُ غَيرَ ما وَرَدَت
فَلَم يَلُمها لَكِن يَلومُهُمُ
6. Its fool while drinking is their water-bearer.
Its wise while sober is their wise one.
٦. سَفيهُها شارِباً سَقيهُهُمُ
حَليمُها صاحِياً حَليمُهُمُ