
I convey to you from my conscience a message

أؤدي إليكم من ضميري رسالة

1. I convey to you from my conscience a message
Of affection, I do not want any reward from you for it

١. أُؤَدّي إِلَيكُم مِن ضَميري رِسالَةً
مِنَ الوُدِّ لا أَبغي لَدَيكُم بِها أَجرا

2. And if you hear it in private it is a lament
And if you hear it publicly then listen with gratitude

٢. وإِن تَسمَعوها خَلوَةً فَشِكايَةٌ
وَإِن تَسمَعوها في المَلا فَاِسمَعوا الشُكرا

3. They say that patience is a profitable trade
So I said but I have lost my lifetime in it

٣. يَقولونَ إِنَّ الصَبرَ صَفقَةُ رابِحٍ
فَقُلتُ وَلَكِنّي خَسِرتُ بِها العُمرا

4. And another thing from me which is an impure lie
To every prophet, and it is what poetry has been taught

٤. وَغَيرَ أَنَّ مِنّي وَهوَ رِجسٌ مُكَذِّبٌ
لِكُلِّ نَبِيٍّ وَهوَ ما عُلِّمَ الشِعرا

5. So and so stood in public with a poem
With it he sat down when he went on declaiming it as a poem

٥. وَقامَ فُلانٌ في المَلا بِقَصيدَةٍ
بِهِ قَعَدَت إِذ باتَ يُقعِدُها كَسرا

6. And say accept it even if she went
To the sanctuary the Tayy did not allow it to be recited

٦. وَقُل اِقبَلوها وَهيَ ضَيفٌ وَلَو سَرَت
إِلى حائِمِ الطائِيُّ حَرَّمَ أَن تُقرى

7. And among the people are those whose poems are like jinn
Who take residence in the blackened graves

٧. وَفي الناسِ مَن أَشعارُهُم كَأَجِنَّةٍ
تَبَوَّأُ مِن طِرسِ المَسَوِّدَةِ القَبرا

8. So say if you say I have come from the land of Babylon
You spoke the truth but you were not taught magic in it

٨. فَقُل إِن تَقُل قَد جِئتُ مِن أَرضِ بابِلٍ
صَدَقتَ وَلَكِن لَم تُعَلَّم بِها السِحرا

9. I say to Baghdad when I advise them
I advise you O Baghdad do not insult Egypt

٩. أَقولُ لِبَغدادٍ إِذا ما نَصَحتُهُم
نَصَحتُكِ يا بَغدادُ لا تَشتُمي مِصرا

10. People see in Baghdad a sign for magic
And in Egypt its Moses and its greatest sign

١٠. يَرى الناسُ في بَغدادَ لِلسِحرِ آيَةً
وَفي مِصرَ موساها وَآيَتُهُ الكُبرى

11. Leave the two angels brought down as punishment
For the Kalim (Friend) of God inherited it pride

١١. دَعوا المَلَكَينِ المُهبَطَينِ عُقوبَةً
فَإِنَّ كَليمَ اللَهِ أَورَثَها الفَخرا