1. Before my tears return as blood
You were watered, so you blossomed rosy
١. تُرى مِن دُموعي قَبلَ تَرجِعُ مِن دَمٍ
سُقيتَ فَأَطلَعتَ الأَقاحَ شَريقا
2. So when you wounded my heart, my tears
Became blood, so your cheeks became ruddy
٢. فَلَمّا جَرَحتَ القَلبَ صارَت مَدامِعي
دِماءً فَأَورَت وَجنَتَيكَ شَقيقا
3. I reckon my eyelids made you a bride when they looked upon you
So my tears were created to be devoted to you
٣. أَظُنُّ جُفوني عَرَّسَت إِذ نَظَرتَهُ
فَأَخلِق بِدَمعي أَن يَكونَ خَلوقا
4. Above the rose of your cheek appeared the beauty mark
And if sighs increase, it will become languishing
٤. بَدا فَوقَ وَردِ الخَدِّ مِسكَةُ خالِهِ
وَإِن زادَتِ الأَنفاسُ صارَ فَتيقا