
Do not deny the sick man's sweat, for it

لا تنكروا عرق المريض فإنه

1. Do not deny the sick man's sweat, for it
Is caused by a need that drives him to it.

١. لا تُنكِروا عَرَقَ المَريضِ فَإِنَّهُ
لِضَرورَةٍ أَمسَت إِلَيهِ داعِيَه

2. Every organ has a rightful claim
To weep long for health's goodbye.

٢. فَلِكُلِّ عُضوٍ مُقلَةٌ مِن حَقِّها
طولُ البَكاءِ عَلى فِراقِ العافِيَه