
It seems to them that torment is passion

ترى عندهم أن العذاب غرام

1. It seems to them that torment is passion
As it seems to us that parting is life

١. تُرى عِندَهُم أَنَّ العَذابَ غَرامُ
كَما عِندَنا أَنَّ الفِراقَ حِمامُ

2. And that the hearts of lovers are stingy
With them, not against them, and the eyes generous

٢. وَأَنَّ قُلوبَ العاشِقينَ بَخيلَةٌ
بِهِم لا عَلَيهِم وَالعُيونَ كِرامُ

3. He left without saying goodbye, turning away
And there is no cure for the sickness of hearts

٣. مَضى لَم يُسَلِّم مُعرِضاً مُتَعَرِّضاً
وَلَيسَ عَلى داءِ القُلوبِ سَقامُ

4. And if his face did not greet with a greeting
And greet him without saying "Peace," there would be peace

٤. وَفي وَجهِهِ لَو لَم يُحَيِّ تَحِيَّةٌ
وَيَلقاهُ مِن دونِ السَلامِ سَلامُ

5. And we spent the night while the imagination of the friend had
Doubts and it is true that embrace has become dispute

٥. وَبِتنا وَباتَت لِلخَلِيِّ وَساوِسٌ
وَحَقَّ وَقَد جارَ العِناقُ خِصامُ