
Your deeds in lofty matters are supreme and most splendid,

فعالك في العلياء أسمى وأسمح

1. Your deeds in lofty matters are supreme and most splendid,
And your face in calamity is brightest and most lucid.

١. فَعالُكَ في العَلياءِ أَسمى وَأَسمَحُ
وَوَجهُكَ في اللأواءِ أَوضا وَأَوضَحُ

2. And your name in the heart of time is awe-inspiring,
So after what had been rash is now gentle and meek.

٢. وَذِكرُكَ في قَلبِ الزَمانِ مَهابَةٌ
فَمِن بَعدِ ما قَد كانَ يَجمَحُ يَجنَحُ

3. And one like you, before tribulations, is forgiving,
Yet after crimes, you pardon and gently reproach.

٣. وَمِثلُكَ مِن قَبلِ المَسائِلِ واهِبٌ
وَلَكِنَّهُ بَعدَ الجَرائِمِ يَصفَحُ

4. Your generosity is like water, and water is drowning,
And your might is like fire, and fire sets alight.

٤. وَجودُكَ مِثلُ الماءِ وَالماءُ مُغرِقٌ
وَبَأسُكَ مِثلُ النارِ وَالنارُ تَقدَحُ

5. You were not formerly wont to turn away in disdain,
Why then in this time are you being explicit?

٥. وَما كُنتَ قِدماً بِالجَفاءِ مُعَرِّضاً
فَلِم أَنتَ في هَذا الأَوانِ مُصَرِّحُ

6. Let me mumble what I can with your reproaches,
And do not make me, with complaining, speak outright.

٦. دَعوني أُجَمجِم ما اِستَطَعتُ بِعَتبِكُم
وَلا تَدَعوني بِالشِكايَةِ أُفصِحُ

7. May God guard my heart, how stringent is its keeping!
It meets with these setbacks and gives sincere advice.

٧. رَعى اللَهُ قَلبي ما أَشَدَّ حِفاظَهُ
يُوافي عَلى هَذي الهَناتِ وَيَنصَحُ

8. For I am lofty of soul in poverty and in wealth.
I linger in the coolth of wishes to refresh myself.

٨. وَإِنّي غَنِيُّ النَفسِ في الفَقرِ وَالغِنى
أَظَلُّ إِلى بَردِ المُنى أَتَرَوَّحُ

9. I pass the night abstinent of taste, and provisions are at hand,
My hopes are lofty, and resources gush forth.

٩. أَبيتُ عَفيفَ الطَعمِ وَالزادُ مُمكِنٌ
وَظامي الأَماني وَالمَوارِدُ تَطفَحُ

10. And I upon that allegiance stand steadfast,
And will not, even if you drive me away, budge.

١٠. وَإِنّي عَلى تِلكَ المُوالاةِ ثابِتٌ
وَلَستُ وَإِن أَقصَيتَني أَتَزَحزَحُ

11. So the bargain of my love, if you buy its purity,
You will inevitably thereby profit.

١١. فَصَفقَةُ وُدّي إِن شَرَيتَ صَفاءَها
فَإِنَّكَ فيهِ لاَمَحالَةَ تَربَحُ

12. And if you have counted a sin which you supposed,
Then pardon is better and weightier still.

١٢. وَإِن كانَ قَد عَدَّدتَ ذَنباً ظَنَنتَهُ
وَكانَ فَإِنَّ الصَفحَ أَرجى وَأَرجَحُ

13. For if that manly virtue should narrow after its breadth,
No spacious place on earth would afford range.

١٣. فَإِن ضاقَ ذاكَ البِشرُ بَعدَ اِتِّساعِهِ
فَما ضاقَ في الأَرضِ الفَسيحَةِ مَسرَحُ