
I do not humble myself before him

لا أتضع إليه

1. I do not humble myself before him
Until the stone softens for the chewing tooth

١. لا أَتَّضِع إِلَيهِ
حَتَى يَلينَ لِضِرسِ الماضِغِ الحَجَرُ

2. Nor do I shorten my passion for him
Until fate shortens its aims

٢. وَلا أَقصُرُ الهَوى عَلَيهِ
حَتّى يُقَصِّر عَن غاياتِهِ القَدَرُ

3. Nor do I befriend his nearness
Until poetry befriends the belly of comfort

٣. وَلا أُحالِفُ قُربَهُ
حَتّى يُحالِفَ بَطنَ الراحَةِ الشَعَرُ

4. Nor do I reconcile his heart
Until a bird is seen from his water splash

٤. وَلا أُصالِحُ قَلبَهُ
حَتّى يُرى طائِراً مِن مائِهِ الشَرَرُ

5. So how I have excused him with wishes
And that clarity has destroyed him with gloom

٥. فَكَم تَعَللَّتُ فيهِ بِالمُنى
وَذَلِكَ الصَفوُ قَد أَودى بِهِ الكَدَرُ

6. And how I have repelled sorrow in him with sorrow
And there is no stopping what fate brings

٦. وَكَم دَفَعتُ الأَسى فيهِ بِالأَسى
وَلا مَرَدَّ لِما يَأَتي بِهِ القَدَرُ

7. And how I have mistaken the truth in him
And the truth is lucid, no deceits are hidden from it

٧. وَكَم غالَطتُ فيهِ الحَقيقَةَ
وَالحَقُّ أَبلَجُ لا تَخفى لَهُ غُرَرُ

8. And how I have opposed in him the soul, the friend
The insight of love, does not the vision look?

٨. وَكَم عادَيتُ فيهِ النَفسَ الصَديقَةَ
بَصيرَةُ الحُبِّ أَلا يَنظُرَ البَصَرُ

9. So in concealing my secrets he was
Like one who creeps to hide and in his anklet is jingling

٩. فَكانَ في إِخفاءِ أَسراري
كَمَن دَبَّ يَستَخفي وَفي الحَليِ جُلجُلُ

10. And in keeping the deposits of my news
As one who stored spilled water in a spring

١٠. وَفي حِفظِ وَدائِعِ أَخباري
كَما اِستَخزَنَ الماءَ المُرَوّقَ مَنهَلُ

11. No doubt, I have repelled with it love
As the debtor repelled the creditor, the procrastinator

١١. لا جَرَمَ أَنّي دافَعتُ بِهِ الغَرام
كَما دافَعَ الدينَ الغَريمُ المُماطِلُ

12. And I have turned my heart from that desire
As the thirsty turned from water, the sipper

١٢. وَذُدتُ قَلبي عَن ذَلِكَ المَرام
كَما ذادَ ظَمآنا عَنِ الماءِ ناهِلُ

13. So the weight of his love now in my eye
Is as the dust has flown in my leg, the winds

١٣. فَوَزنُ هَواهُ الآنَ في عَيني
كَما طارَ في ساقي الرِياحِ تُرابُ

14. And the excuse of his betrayal in my hearing
As the flies have droned on the tablet of separation

١٤. وَعُذرُ غَدرِهِ في مِسمَعي
كَما طَنَّ في لَوحِ الهَجيرِ ذُبابُ

15. And the harvest of his love in my heart
As the mirage has appeared on the tablet of the desert

١٥. وَحاصِل حُبِّهِ في قَلبي
كَما لاحَ في لَوحِ القِفارِ سَرابُ

16. And I have turned away from his abode
As the cheated turned away after his sale

١٦. وَقَد رَجَعتُ عَن مَحَلِّهِ
كَما رَجَعَ المَغبونُ بَعدَ بِياعِهِ

17. And there was none like me descending to his like
But time straitened my hand with his hand

١٧. وَما كانَ مِثلي نازِلاً بِمِثلِهِ
وَلَكِنَّ دَهراً ضاقَ باعي بِباعِهِ