
I am one whose ribs are folded around passion

وإني لمطوي الضلوع على جوى

1. I am one whose ribs are folded around passion
Easier than it the heavy rain is unleashed

١. وَإِنّي لَمَطِوِيُّ الضُلوعِ عَلى جَوىً
بِأَيسَرَ مِنهُ يُنشَرُ الوابِلُ السَجمُ

2. I hoped in vain that reticence would benefit me
Deceiving my torment, but reticence seldom helps

٢. وأَمَّلتُ نَفعَ الكَتمِ فيهِ مُغالِطاً
غَليلي وَلَكِن قَلَّما نَفَعَ الكَتمُ

3. I had resolved with fortitude to show patience
But after intention, resolve betrays intent

٣. وَقَد كانَ لي عَزمٌ عَلى الصَبرِ صابِراً
فَقَد خانَهُ بَعدَ النَوى ما نَوى العَزمُ

4. Its lids graced it with prose like scattered pearls
And after it, verse will grace it like strung pearls

٤. وَأَسعَفَها بِاللُؤلُؤِ النَثرِ جَفنُهُ
وَيُسعِفُها مِن بَعدِهِ اللُؤلُؤُ النَظمُ

5. For my soul I wish union, not loss after its death
So I'll have no news or knowledge after demise

٥. لِنَفسي أُريدُ الوَصلَ لا بَعدَ مَوتِها
فَلا خُبرَ لي بَعدَ المَماتِ وَلا عِلمُ

6. If ever thirsty someday, the rain won't come
If ever lost someday, no star will rise

٦. إِذا ظَمِئَت يَوماً فَلا نَزَلَ الحَيا
وَإِن خَبَطَت يَوماً فَلا طَلَعَ النَجمُ

7. May God erase this life if what I see is true
Its past fanciful, its future a dream

٧. لَحى اللَهُ هَذا العَيشَ إِن كانَ ما أَرى
فَآنِفُهُ ظَنٌّ وَسالِفُهُ حُلمُ

8. My patience claims to be my strength
My truest thought is it will prove itself a lie

٨. وَيَزعُمُ صَبري أَنَّهُ لي عُدَّةٌ
وَأَصدَقُ ظَنّي أَن سَيَكذِبُني الزَعمُ

9. Not only the rain counts the ruins of encampments
Not only my tears and darkness recount its house

٩. فَلا يَعدُ أَطلالَ الحِمى القَطرُ وَحدَهُ
وَلا دارَها دَمعي وَلا غُلَّتي الظَلمُ

10. And we came despite the nights to settlements
Settlements, though at their full moon betrayal lurks

١٠. وَجِئنا عَلى رَغمِ اللَيالي مَنازِلاً
مَنازِلَ كَم أَوفى بِها بَدرُها التَمُّ

11. They were a rising for moons of beauty
But now on the paths of youth are to me stars sunken

١١. وَكانَت لِأَقمارِ المَحاسِنِ مَطلَعاً
فَها هِيَ في طُرقِ الصَبابَةِ لي نَجمُ

12. And I yearn for the sum of weeping over them
But before whom does composure spill away?

١٢. وَإِنّي لَمُشتاقٌ إِلى جُملَةِ البَكا
عَلَيها وَلَكِن عِندَ مَن يودَعُ الحِلمُ

13. The traces of my kiss, it fears their permanence
My dear, above the water, marks do not endure

١٣. أَآثارَ تَقبيلي يَخافُ ثُبوتَها
فَدَيتُكَ فَوقَ الماءِ لا يَثبُتُ الرَقمُ

14. Dazzling with the radiance of gentle mirth
It avoids with its veil a blemish when veiled

١٤. مُشَعشَعُ إِفرِندِ البَشاشَةِ يَتَّقي
مِنَ اللَثمِ ثلماً حينَ يُغمِدُهُ اللَثمُ

15. Its frown is dawn, its elation nightfall
Its glances war, its words are peace

١٥. فَغُرَّتُهُ صُبحٌ وَطُرَّتُهُ دُجىً
وَأَلحاظُهُ حَربٌ وَأَلفاظُهُ سَلمُ

16. It recoils from answering, for the sin of it
So do not neglect, my soul, what sin has killed

١٦. تَحَرَّجَ مِن رَدِّ الجَوابِ لِإِثمِهِ
فَلا تَعدَمَنكَ النَفسُ ما قَتلُها إِثمُ

17. For it hearts alone are wont to return
Eyelids by which no, their returning sickness returns

١٧. وَلَيسَ لَها إِلّا القُلوبَ عَوائِدٌ
جُفونٌ بِها لا بَل بِعائِدِها السُقمُ

18. I obeyed in its command, and it consented
I opposed those who blamed, and they were opposed

١٨. أَطَعتُ الرِضا في أَمرِها وَلَها الرِضا
وَأَرغَمتُ فيها عاذِلي وَلَهُ الرَغمُ

19. It captivates my soul and sickens my body
When my soul is captivated, the body knows no peace

١٩. أَعائِدَةً روحي وَتُمرِضُ جِسمَهُ
إِذا تَلِفَت روحي فَلا سَلِمَ الجِسمُ

20. It deposits in hearing the pearls of its speech
And when my eyes wept at that, the composition ceased

٢٠. وَمودِعَةٍ لِلسَمعِ دُرَّ حَديثِها
وَلَمّا بَكَت عَيني وَهَى ذَلِكَ النَظمُ

21. My love pleased it, so my love remains
My sickness delights it, so the sickness persists

٢١. يَلَذُّ لَها هَمّي فَهَمِّيَ فَقدُهُ
وَيُعجِبُها سُقمي فَلا بَرِحَ السُقمُ

22. Ask the planets about my eye, for your sight suffices as witness
And in your eyes, my dear, lies knowledge of mine

٢٢. سَلي النَجمَ عَن عَيني فَحَسبُكِ شاهِداً
وَعِندَكِ يا عَينَيهِ عَن عَينِيَ العِلمُ

23. An orphan when his beloved dies
Not all loss of parents is orphanhood

٢٣. يَتيمٌ إِذا ما ماتَ عَنهُ حَبيبُهُ
وَما كُلُّ فَقدِ الوالِدَينِ هُوَ اليُتمُ

24. By my life! You have seen clearly, if insight avails
And truly you have heard, if the deaf can hear

٢٤. لَعَمري لَقَد بَصَّرتَ لَو نَفَعَ الهُدى
وَحَقّاً لَقَد أَسمَعتَ إِن سَمِعَ الصُمُّ

25. Who blames it, reason is but to follow it
Your path, but sometimes reason is overcome

٢٥. أَعاذِلَهُ ما الحَزمُ إِلّا اِتِّباعُهُ
طَريقَكَ لَكِن رُبَّما غُلِبَ الحَزمُ

26. It recoils from my union, fearing the sin
So do not recoil, for refusal itself is the sin

٢٦. تَحَرَّجُ عَن وَصلي مَخافَةَ إثمِها
فلا تَحرَجي إنَّ الصدودَ هو الإثمُ

27. And our neighbor Nu'man, so living is blissful
Its seasons bliss, and our isolation bliss

٢٧. وجيرَتُنا نُعمانُ فالعيشُ ناعِمٌ
وَأَطوارُهُ نُعمى وَخَلَّتُنا نُعمُ

28. Though most of my days were followed by sorrow
Over them, yet they were accepted by blame

٢٨. وَأَكثَرُ أَيّامي تَعقَّبَها الأَسى
عَلَيها وَلَكِن قَد تَقَبَّلَها الذَمُّ

29. I accept the unjust judgment against me
So the judge is not angry, and the adversary satisfied

٢٩. رَضيتُ بِما يَقضي عَلى قِسطِ جَورِهِ
فَلَم يَغضَبُ القاضي وَقَد رَضِيَ الخَصمُ

30. They say why do you not wear patience as a shield
Of what use after the arrow has sped?

٣٠. يَقولونَ لِم لا تَلبَسُ الصَبرَ جُنَّةً
وَما نَفعُها مِن بَعدِ ما مَرَقَ السَهمُ

31. If she steals a hearing that makes me pine
Then in its wake, a shower of tears like shooting stars

٣١. إِذا اِستَرَقَت سَمعاً مُنايَ بِذِكرِهِ
فَفي إِثرِها مِن شُهبِ أَدمعِها رَجمُ

32. I have from my tears' hoard a ladle full
And were it not for resolve, it would have held abundance

٣٢. وَلي مُقلَةٌ مِن ذُخرِ دَمعي مُقِلَّةٌ
وَكانَ لَها لَولا النَوى حاصِلٌ جَمُّ