
How often my feet had a poem and a goal

وكم كان لي قدما قصيد ومقصد

1. How often my feet had a poem and a goal
That stood on a promise with two palms for glory

١. وَكَم كانَ لي قِدماً قَصيدٌ ومقصدٌ
أَقاما عَلى وَعدٍ بِكُفأَينِ لِلمَجدِ

2. Homes were waiting for an inhabitant
Below you their settlement on the auspicious bird

٢. مَنازِلُ كانَت في اِنتِظارٍ لِساكِنِ
فَدونَكَ سُكناها عَلى الطائِرِ السَعدِ

3. And no purpose guided me to the purpose of his praise
So I was eloquent unless it was on purpose

٣. وَلَم يَهدِني قَصدٌ إِلى قَصدِ مَدحِهِ
فَأُطنِبَ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ عَلى القَصدِ

4. And before him we were hoping for wishes
As for the embellishment of praise, it is afterwards

٤. وَمِن قَبلِهِ كُنّا نُرَجّيهِ لِلمُنى
فَأَمّا لِتَحبيرِ الثَناءِ فَمِن بَعدِ

5. Lofty above the extremes of speech and the utmost
Of praise, and the capacity of praise from the widest effort

٥. عُلاً فَوقَ غياتِ المَقولِ وَمُنتَهى ال
ثناءِ وَوُسعُ الحَمدِ مِن أَوسَعِ الجَهدِ