1. You are the enemy of something you are ignorant of
So why is it said the friend of a man rebukes him?
١. أَنتَ العَدُوُّ لِأَمرٍ أَنتَ جاهِلُهُ
فَلِم يَقالُ صَديقُ المَرءِ عاذِلُهُ
2. This, while your rebuke brings him to life and delivers him
From the earth, so the friend of youth slays him
٢. هَذا وَعَذلُكَ مُحييهِ وَمُخرِجُهُ
مِنَ الثَرى فَحبيبُ الصَبِّ قاتِلُهُ
3. Say what you will, you are the speaker of the words
In them is not what deters from what a man does
٣. قُل ما تَشاءُ وَقَولٌ أَنتَ قائِلُهُ
ما فيهِ ما صَدَّ عَمّا المَرءُ فاعِلُهُ
4. So guard your reason and clarify its ends
For reason is deceptive, its beginnings from its ends
٤. فخَمِّرِ الرَأيَ وَاِستَوضِح أَواخِرَهُ
فَالرَأيُ غَرّارَةٌ مِنهُ أَوائِلُهُ