
My heart has descended, step by step

تعاور قلبي نازل بعد نازل

1. My heart has descended, step by step
Leaving it like some of the dwellings

١. تَعاوَرَ قَلبي نازِلٌ بَعدَ نازِلِ
فَما خِلتُهُ إِلّا كَبَعضِ المَنازِلِ

2. Spacious, as you know, are the nights, so whenever
Hopes came to it, they defied all blamers

٢. وَسيعٌ كَما تَدري اللَيالي فَكُلَّما
أتتهُ الأَماني خالَفَت كُلَّ عاذِلِ

3. And after connecting me, their separation hit me
And for the pleasure of that reproach, the words of the blamers

٣. وَأَعقَبَني وَصلَ الأَحِبَّةِ هَجرُهُم
وَلِذَّةَ ذاكَ العَتبِ قَولُ العَواذِلِ

4. So oh, arrows that used to be for fortune but became
Arrows of misfortune, implanted into the warriors

٤. فَيا أَسهُماً للَحظِ كانَت فَأَصبَحَت
سِهامَ رَدىً قَد أُثبِتَت في المَقاتِلِ

5. And I was heedless of the days, in what heedlessness!
And how many heedless among the people of other than the heedless

٥. وَكُنتُ عَنِ الأَيّامِ في أَيِّ غَفلَةٍ
وَكَم غافِلٍ في الناسِ عَن غَيرِ غافِلِ

6. Strong of cheek from worries in chaos
Weak of palm from tears that flow

٦. قَوِيٌّ بِخَدّي مِن هُمومٍ بِمَفرَقٍ
ضَعيفٌ بِكَفّي مِن دُموعٍ بِسائِلِ

7. You reminded the unmindful, so you are
Like the polishers, by reminding, unmindful

٧. أَعذّالَهَ ذَكَّرتُموهُ فَأَنتُمُ
بِرُجعانِ ما ذَكَّرتُمُ كَالصَياقِلِ

8. And you have pledged the cheek of passion and refined
Upon it faces in deadly polish

٨. وَأَرهَنتُمُ خَدَّ الهَوى وَجَلَوتُمُ
عَلَيهِ وُجوهاً في صَقيلٍ مُقاتِلِ