
Enough sorrow, you who blame my dwelling,

كفى حزنا يا طاعنين مقامي

1. Enough sorrow, you who blame my dwelling,
My body is with me, but my passion is before me,

١. كَفى حَزَناً يا طاعِنينَ مُقامي
وَجِسمي مَعي لَكِن هَوايَ أَمامي

2. Shared by every moment or tortured by every hearing,
With the spirit of a breeze or the cooing of a dove,

٢. مُقَسَّمُ لَحظٍ أَو مُعَذَّبُ مسمَعٍ
بِرَوحِ نَسيمٍ أَو بِنوحِ حَمامِ

3. I meet those kindnesses with their like,
So I weep clouds for the dew with clouds,

٣. أُقابِلُ تِلكَ المَكرُماتِ بِمِثلِها
فَأَبكي غَماماً لِلنَدى بِغَمامِ

4. As if I were ungrateful for forgiveness and for love,
With tears of water or the fire of passion,

٤. كَأَنّي غَريمٌ لِلسَماحِ وَلِلظِبا
بِماءِ دُموعٍ أَو بِنارِ غَرامِ

5. I remembered a life with you, fresh as if
It were lent greenness from the bloom of a youth,

٥. تَذَكَّرتُ عَيشاً مِنكَ غَضّاً كَأَنَّما
أُعيرَ اِخضِراراً مِن عِذارِ غُلامِ

6. And I have no complaint against the days after you,
If water walks toward my streams,

٦. وَما لي عَلى الأَيّامِ بَعدَكَ مَعتَبٌ
إِذا ما تَمَشّى الماءَ نَحوَ أَوامي

7. It meets the light of dawn, and that is my praise,
And smells the breeze of the garden, and that is my peace,

٧. تَلَقَّ ضِياءَ الصُبحِ فَهوَ مَدائِحي
وَشُمَّ نَسيمَ الرَوضِ فَهوَ سَلامي

8. And if the Nile's water increases, that is my tears,
And if the heat of summer flares up, that is my affliction.

٨. فَإِن زادَ ماءُ النيلِ فَهوَ مَدامِعي
وَإِن هاجَ وَقدُ القَيظِ فَهوَ ضِرامي