
How many victims has it drowned with floods of tears,

وكم أغص بماء المرهفات عدى

1. How many victims has it drowned with floods of tears,
Leaving no flooded areas but to the east,

١. وَكَم أَغَصَّ بِماءِ المُرهَفاتِ عِدىً
فَلَم تَدَع غُصَصاً إِلّا إِلى شَرَقِ

2. Swords carrying destinies wearing
On their sheaths a garment of smoothness,

٢. صَوارِمٌ تَحمِلُ الآجالَ لابِسَةً
عَلى سَرائِرَها ثَوباً مِنَ المَلَقِ

3. Its stars praised it with poetry
Rising from your evident glory on the horizon,

٣. أَثنى عَلَيهِ بِأَشعارٍ كَواكِبُها
يَطلُعنَ مِن مَجدِكَ الوَضّاحِ في أُفُقِ

4. The beautiful refused my silence about you
So I did not stay silent, I failed to attain and was not capable,

٤. أَبى الجَميلُ سُكوتي عَن مَديحِكُمُ
فَما سَكَتُّ وَلَم أَبلُغ وَلم أُطِقِ

5. This is until my words, as they knew,
From kings is some talk like the market,

٥. هَذا إِلى أَنَّ أَقوالي كَما عَلِموا
مِن المُلوكِ وَبَعضَ القَولِ كَالسُوَقِ

6. And generosity my poetry attributes to your generosity
Like my eye attributes light to the daybreak,

٦. وَالسَمحُ يَنسُبُهُ شِعري إِلى كَرَمِ
كَالنورِ تَنسُبُهُ عَيني إِلى الفَلَقِ

7. It rejoiced at my worries so they are destroyed,
Prepare, for enemies cannot be trusted with kindness

٧. أَشمَتَّني بِهُمومي فَهيَ هالِكَةٌ
أَجهِز فَما تُؤمَنُ الأَعدا مَعَ الرِفقِ