
He feared that she might ask when his promise would come true,

تخوف منها أن يقول متى الوعد

1. He feared that she might ask when his promise would come true,
Yet she had no promise from him since the day she was wed.

١. تَخَوَّفَ مِنها أَن يَقولَ مَتى الوَعدُ
وَلَيسَ لَها بِالوَعدِ مُذ وَعَدَت عَهدُ

2. They knew not what was in his heart,
Nor did she know aught of his intentions toward her.

٢. وَلا عِندَهُم عِلمٌ بِما في فُؤادِهِ
وَلا عِندَها مِن أَمرِهِ ما لَها عِندُ

3. Every reproach between lovers has a place,
Else, do not weary yourself, for affection allows no disfavor.

٣. وَكُلُّ عِتابٍ بَينَ وُدَّينِ داخِلٌ
وَإِلّا فَلا تَتعَب فَما يَأذَنُ الوُدُّ

4. And if the taste of reproach be bitter,
Then patience over bitterness whose end is sweet.

٤. وَإِن كانَ طَعمُ العَتبِ ذا حَنظَلِيَّةٍ
فَصَبراً عَلى مُرٍّ عَواقِبُهُ الشَهدُ

5. How many a night has my reproach passed by her hearing,
Yet it sat close by a knot that was in her throat.

٥. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ قَد مَرَّ عَتبي بِسَمعِها
فَجاوَرَ عِقداً كانَ في نَحرِها عِقدُ

6. And when my eye wept for her and she smiled,
Converse and intimacy multiplied between us.

٦. وَلَمّا بَكَت عَيني لَها وَتَبَسَّمَت
تَكاثَرَ فيها بَينَنا الشَرحُ وَالسَردُ

7. The marks of your being in the wasteland were evident:
For the branding iron showed in the water of your cheeks.

٧. وَظاهَرَها آثارُ كَونِكَ في الحَشا
بِأَن قَد بَدا في ماءِ وَجنَتِكَ الوَقدُ

8. Else the roses therein are tedious,
As they have known them, nor are those roses sated.

٨. وَإِلّا فَإِنَّ الوَردَ فيهِ مَلالَةٌ
كَما عَهِدوا مِنهُ وَما مَلَّ ذا الوَردُ

9. She has a nature that leaves no room for praise,
And say only: “God is Most Great and All Praise is His.”

٩. لَها خُلُقٌ ما فيهِ لِلحَمدِ مَوضِعٌ
وَلِلوَجهِ مِنها قُلْ هُوَ اللَهُ وَالحَمدُ