
Illness, yet an illness without pain,

داء ولكنه داء بلا ألم

1. Illness, yet an illness without pain,
Grayness pained despite my eyes with blame,

١. داءٌ وَلَكِنَّهُ داءٌ بِلا أَلَمِ
شَيبٌ أَلَمَّ بِرَغمِ العَينِ بِاللَمَمِ

2. When it's said grayness is a guest, I shall not
Meet it, by God, except with a smiling face.

٢. أَما وَقَد قيلَ ضَيفٌ لِلمَشيبِ فَلا
يَلقاهُ وَاللَهِ وَجهي غَيرَ مُبتَسِمِ

3. It increased my esteem and dignity's height,
For the light is in knowledge or in the fire's might.

٣. وَزادَني في عُلا قَدري وَقارَ نُهىً
فَالنورُ بِالعِلمِ أَو في النارِ بِالعَلَمِ

4. She smiled in the darkness of poetry rising,
Like the smile of a pearl star in the gloom.

٤. تَبَسَّمَت في ظَلامِ الشَعرِ طالِعَةً
تَبَسُّمَ الكَوكَبِ الدُرِّيِّ في الظُلَمِ

5. If you seek life when youth has passed, for whom?
Or deny sadness when passion is lost, for who?

٥. إِن تَطلُبِ العَيشَ إِذ وَلّى الصِبا فَلِمَن
أَو تُنكِرِ الهَمِّ إِن فاتَ الهَوى فَلِمِ

6. Who taught the pen flowing in its motions?
I said: who taught man with the pen?

٦. مَن عَلَّمَ القَلَمَ الجاري بِعارِضِهِ
فَقُلتُ مَن عَلَّمَ الإِنسانَ بِالقَلَمِ

7. Grayness revealed only the color in my old age,
Like the color of my grayness, but I'm not wise yet.

٧. ما أَظهَرَ الشَيبُ إِلّا اللَونَ في كِبَري
كَلَونِ شَيبي وَلَم أَبلُغ إِلى الحُلُمِ

8. For a nation whose pledge fate hasn't kept,
Can fate be known by those it has shortchanged?

٨. وَلِمَّةٍ لَم يُوَفِّ الدَهرُ ذِمَّتَها
هَل يُعرَفُ الدَهرُ في الموفينَ بِالذِمَمِ

9. Lead me to death, o fate, for when
Can one avoid the unavoidable end?

٩. قُدني إِلى الحَتفِ يا دَهري بِها فَمَتى
لَم يَنقَدِ الجامِعُ الأَعطافِ بِاللجُمِ

10. Of what I tell you, as life is ever-changing,
That I will die, counted among the fragile.

١٠. مِمّا أَبُثُّكَ وَالدُنيا مُغَيِّرَةٌ
أَنّي وَما مِتُّ مَعدودٌ مِنَ الرِمَمِ

11. In the days of my youth, which I don't
Deceive myself about, unlike today in my old age.

١١. وَأَنَّني كُنتُ في عَصرِ الشَبابِ وَما
أغر نفسي غيري اليوم في الهرم

12. A spark lit up in the night of my ambition,
So fate faced from me a reverent face.

١٢. أَضاءَ في لَيلِ مَسرى هِمَّتي قَبَسٌ
فَواجَهَ الدَهرُ مِنّي وَجهَ مُحتَشِمِ

13. For when the soul of a youth is tested
Through its humiliation, that is a kind of nonexistence.

١٣. إِذِ الوُجودُ إِذا نَفسُ الفَتى اِمتُحِنَت
فيهِ بِإِحنائِها ضَربٌ مِنَ العَدَمِ

14. It grays a soul when its locks turn white,
And reverting to youth is a kind of disgrace.

١٤. يَشيبُ نَفساً إِذا شابَت ذَوائِبُهُ
وَمِن ضُروبِ التَفَتّي الضَربُ لِلُؤَمِ

15. It attained its wishes, then fate called me:
You've made your matter crooked, so go straight!

١٥. جَنى المُنى ثُمَّ نادَتني حَوادِثُهُ
قَوَّمتَ أَمرَكَ بِالتَعويجِ فَاِستَقِمِ

16. The lines of ashes remain in graves, so I saw
The flare of this fire in the coals.

١٦. تَبقى خُطوطُ رَمادٍ في القُبورِ بِما
رَأَيتَ شُعلَةَ هَذي النارِ في الفَحَمِ

17. And a blackness and whiteness in my heart, I said:
A filthiness of worry or of determination?

١٧. وَأَبيَضَ أَسوَدٍ في القَلبِ قُلتُ لَهُ
لَوثٌ مِنَ الهَمِّ أَو لَوثٌ مِنَ الهِمَمِ

18. I refrained from wearing my fineries with its wear,
And death does not pardon prey in the sacred place.

١٨. أَحرَمتُ مِن لُبسِ أَوطاري بِلَبسَتِهِ
وَالمَوتُ لَيسَ يَعافُ الصَيدَ في الحَرَمِ