
What day excelled over days?

أي يوم علا على الأيام

1. What day excelled over days?
What blessing was perfected for Islam?

١. أَيُّ يَومٍ عَلا عَلى الأَيّامِ
أَيُّ نُعمى تَمَّت عَلى الإِسلامِ

2. Your sword was not seen idle in your right hand,
Did they see other than lightning in the clouds?

٢. لَم يُرَالسَيفُ في يَمينِكَ بِدعاً
هَل رَأَوا غَيرَ بارِقٍ في غَمامِ

3. O you who rouse the slumbering with killing,
Robbing the eyes of the sleepy of sleep.

٣. يا مُنيمَ المُستَيقِظينَ بِفَتكِ
يَسلُبُ النَومَ أَعيُنَ النُوّامِ

4. Naught increased him over sleep except
The connection of sleep after it continually.

٤. لَم تَزِدهُ شَيئاً عَلى النَومِ إِلّا
صِلَةَ النَومِ بَعدَها بِالدَوامِ

5. Do you see the cup of the sleeper who he gave drink
Or did the determined give him the cup of oblivion?

٥. أَتُرى كَأسَ مُرقِدٍ قَد سَقاهُ
أَم سَقاهُ المَقدورُ كَأسَ حِمامِ

6. And if the hand of God cast an arrow,
The coat of mail became the likes of arrows.

٦. وَإِذا ما رَمَت يَدُ اللَهِ سَهماً
صارَتِ الدِرعُ مِن قَبيلِ السِهامِ

7. A blow from your hands was alone,
Its excess overflowed from perfection.

٧. ضَربَةُ مِن يَدَيكَ كانَت فُرادى
وَشَطَتهُ فَأَقلَعَت عَن تُؤامِ

8. A blow in judgment, you in zeal,
A characteristic rising to the heaven of resolve.

٨. ضَربَةٌ في الصَوابِ مِثلُكَ في الهِم
مَةِ تَسمو إِلى سَماءِ الهامِ

9. And the sword claimed that it did not produce it
So we accepted that it was not lasting.

٩. وَاِدَّعى السَيفُ أَنَّهُ ما جَناها
فَقَبِلنا لِأَنَّهُ غَيرُ دامِ

10. And by my life, swords when they
Become angry, forget old flaws.

١٠. وَلَعَمري أَنَّ السُيوفَ إِذا ما
غَضِبَت أُنسِيَت قَديمَ الذِمامِ

11. We the generous do not say, pardon and be pardoned
For the generosity of the generous, the killing of the generous.

١١. لا نَقولُ الكِرامُ تَعفو وَتُعفى
فَلِجودِ الكِرامِ قَتلُ الكِرامِ

12. O crescent of increase, God gave you long life
So I do not say full moon of perfection.

١٢. يا هِلالَ المَزيدِ عَمَّرَكَ اللَ
هُ لِذا لا أَقولُ بَدرَ التَمامِ

13. He took up the possession from his exaltation so no other was in power.
Whoever smelled the scent of kings, leave them in the journal of servants.

١٣. قامَ بِالمُلكِ مِن عُلاهُ فَعَلّا
هُ فَلا كانَ غَيرُهُ في القِيامِ

14. God shows the extent of your glory among the people
When you sit on the day of peace.

١٤. مَن لِشُمِّ المُلوكِ لَو خَدَموهُ
دَعهُمُ في جَريدَةِ الخُدّامِ

15. And you see the land in gardens of lavender
When clouds of standards fall.

١٥. يُظهِرُ اللَهُ قَدرَ مَجدِكَ في الخَل
قِ إِذا ما جَلَستَ يَومَ السَلامِ

16. And signatures going out to them
With damsels of provision and divisions.

١٦. وَتَرى الأَرضَ في رِياضِ رُقومٍ
حينَ تَهوي غَمائِمُ الأَعلامِ

17. And the pregnant ones with bellies and fetuses
Not containing for less than an hour from completion.

١٧. وَالتَواقيعُ خارِجاتٌ إِلَيهِم
بِجِواري الأَرزَقِ وَالأَقسامِ

18. Among them none who good news of a female gladdened him
Each man desiring is given good news of a boy.

١٨. وَالأَمانِيُّ ذاتُ حَملٍ وَنَجلٍ
لا لِتِسعِ بَلا ساعَةٍ عَن تَمامِ

19. O father of the sea your kindness is abundant
To the lands and your servant is ravenous.

١٩. لَيسَ فيهِم مَن بَشَّرَتهُ بِأُنثى
كُلُّ راجٍ مُبَشِّرٌ بِغُلامِ

20. You are my master, and I hope from you
That time will become my youthful slave.

٢٠. أَبُّها البَحرُ إِنَّ جودَكَ طامٍ
لِلبَرايا وَإِنَّ عَبدَكَ ظامِ

21. I have a complaint against it while you rule over it
Your judgment over rulers.

٢١. أَنتَ مَولايَ وَالَّذي أَرتَجيهِ
مِنكَ أَن يُصبِحَ الزَمانُ غُلامي

22. Do not blame me, if I am silent I do not
Remain silent from blaming my blamer.

٢٢. لي شَكوى مِنهُ وَأَنتَ عَلَيهِ
حاكِمٌ حُكمُهُ عَلى الحُكّامِ

23. A harsh speech prevented me from it
My speech softened from its leniency.

٢٣. لا تَلُمني فَإِن سَكَتُّ فَما يَس
كُتُ عَن أَن يَلومَني لُوّامي

24. So bear me as I bore their harm
You are most deserving of pardon and favor.

٢٤. راعَني عَنهُمُ كَلامٌ غَليظٌ
رَقَّ عَن لينِهِ أَشَدُّ كَلامي

25. O crescent of breaking fast, it rises for people
With their fasting while I with fasting.

٢٥. فَاِحتَمِلني كَما اِحتَمَلتُ أَذاهُم
أَنتَ أَولى بِالصَفحِ وَالإِنعامِ

26. Remaining luminous, I do not see myself in your light
Remaining scattered in the darkness.

٢٦. يا هِلالَ الإِفطارِ يَطلُعُ لِلن
ناسِ بإفظارِهِم وَلي بِالصِيامِ

٢٧. دُم مُنيراً فَما أَراني في نو
رِكَ أَبقى مُعَثَّراً في الظَلامِ