
Alas for those nights that left us nothing

آها عليها ليال ما تركن لنا

1. Alas for those nights that left us nothing
But sorrow and dreams' false allure.

١. آهاً عَلَيها لَيالٍ ما تَرَكنَ لَنا
إِلّا الأَسى وَعُلالاتٍ مِنَ الحُلُمِ

2. Perhaps the winds, if they would go bearing word,
Might yet my loved ones' faith assure.

٢. عَسى الرِياحُ إِذا سارَت مُبَلِّغَةً
توفي فَقَد غَدَرَ الأَحبابُ بِالذِمَمِ