
I hoarded his pearls when I found no one

خزنت من دره إذ لم أجد أحدا

1. I hoarded his pearls when I found no one
Except you, O he whose call is never hoarded

١. خَزَنتُ مِن دُرِّهِ إِذ لَم أَجِد أَحَداً
سِواكَ يا مَن نَداهُ غَيرُ مُختَزَنِ

2. I yearn for you, and the causes of passion rouse me
Towards you, while the turns of fate hold me back

٢. أَشتاقُكُم وَدواعي الوَجدِ تُنهِضُني
إِلَيكُمُ وَعَوادي الدَهرِ تُقعِدُني

3. So your memory consoles me despite the home’s distance
Yet fear of separation from you saddens me in my heart

٣. فَذِكرُكُم مَعَ بُعدِ الدارِ يُؤنِسُني
وَخَوفُ بَينِكُمُ في القَلبِ يوحِشُني

4. I complain to God of an intention made pure
But my hopes are pinned on your gentleness

٤. أَشكو إِلى اللَهِ مِنكُم نِيَّةً فَصُحَت
لَكِن حَوالَةُ آمالي عَلى لُكُنِ

5. And my missive came to me and made me fall
Into grateful captivity to your kindness which released me

٥. وَقَد أَتانِيَ تَوقيعي فَأَوقَعَني
في أَسرِ شُكرِ جَميلٍ مِنكَ أَطلَقَني

6. You kept safe what the appointed time brought me
Releasing my bodies and burning my body

٦. سَلِمتَ ما جَمَعَ الميقاتُ وَفدَ مِنىً
مُحَلِّلي بُدُنٍ مُحَرِّقي بَدَنِ

7. When a man is immortalized by noble deeds, then none
Other than you in this world can be, so be!

٧. إِذا اِمرؤٌ خَلَّدَتهُ المَكرُماتُ فَما
يَكونُ غَيرُكَ في هَذا الوَرى فَكُنِ