1. Those gardens when deserted by their folk
Find naught but shade and sheltering nook;
١. تِلكَ الرِياضُ إِذا تَهَجَّرَ حادِثٌ
لَم تَلقَ إِلّا ظِلَّها وَجَناها
2. Their roses flashed as the morn's smile broke,
The streams ran singing round each lawn and brook.
٢. لَمَعَ النُضارُ بِها فَقُلنا شَمسُها
وَجَرى اللُجَينُ فَخِلتُهُ أَمواها
3. The warriors looked. Their glances on them fed,
As each felt shame to see his comrade's head
٣. نَظَروا الخُيولَ فَأَثبَتَت نَظَراتُهُم
غُرَراً عَلَيها قَد وُسِمنَ جِباها
4. Bowed earthward, shame to meet the eyes that said:
"This garden'sfigsize shall thee recompense."
٤. وَلَرُبَّ هاتِفَةٍ دَعَتهُم لِلوَغى
جَعَلوا صَليلَ المُرهَفاتِ صَداها
5. Oft had the voices of the thickets led
Their hands to reap the vines ere well awake;
٥. هِيَ كَالمَوارِدِ في العُيونِ وَطالَما
نَقَعوا بِهاماتِ الكُماةِ صَداها
6. Now from sleep roused to hardest toil they sped,
To fill the baskets of the vintager.
٦. أَنِفَت يَداهُ لَها فَلَم تَعطَل لَدى
تَجريدِها فَمِنَ الدِماءِ حَلاها
7. He scorned their yielding, he of lion's tread,
Yet spared them, for he knew his Lord abhorred
٧. هِيَ في بِحارِ يَدَيهِ أَمواجٌ تُرى
وَنُفوسُ مَن قَتَلَتهُ مِن غَرقاها
8. All bloodshed and was of the righteous bred.
Else had his hands in carnage quickened
٨. لا بَل زِنادُ جَهَنَّمٍ في كَفِّهِ
مِنها فَكُلُّ مُكَذِّبٍ يَصلاها
9. To waves that bore the drifting bodies red
Of all his foes; and sorrow swift and sore
٩. لَو أَنَّ أَرضاً مَرَّةً فَدَتِ السَما
كانَت عِداها في الخُطوبِ فِداها
10. Were the worst lot of those who lived and fled.
Nay, like Hell's fuel in his grasp flamed red
١٠. وَمَنِ المُحَدِّثُ نَفسَهُ بِلَحاقِها
فَدَعِ الحَديثَ عَنِ الَّذي ساواها