
People migrated to the divine shade

أناس إلى الظل الإلهي هجروا

1. People migrated to the divine shade
And sincerely praised it and multiplied

١. أُناسٌ إِلى الظِلِّ الإِلَهِيِّ هَجَّروا
وَأَثنَوا عَلَيهِ صادِقينَ وَأَكثَروا

2. They traveled above the night's back among its stars
Their mounts nearly stumbling over them

٢. سَرَوا فَوقَ ظَهرِ اللَيلِ بَينَ نُجومِهِ
فَكادَت مَطاياهُم بِها تَتَعَثَرُ

3. Does the horizon disdain to be painted by your carpets
Except by that Painter?

٣. أَتَأنَفُ تَعفيراً بِبُسطِكَ أَوجُةٌ
أَصَوَّرَها إِلّا لِذاكَ المُصَوَّرُ

4. And when the noble face appeared conversing
With the dawn of their setting out they exclaimed “God is Great,” not arrogantly

٤. وَلَمّا بَدا الوَجهُ الكَريمُ مُشافِهاً
بِصُبحِ سُراهُم كَبَّروا لا تَكَبَّروا