1. After the coats and saddles could not
My eyelids seduce the dunes and mound
ูก. ุจูุนุฏู ุงูู
ูุนุงุทููู ููุงูุฑููุงุฏููู ููู
ุฃูุฌูุงูู ุนูููู ุจุงููุฉู ููููุซูุจู
2. I used to call him, and heโd respond
Today I call him, yet no response is found
ูข. ู
ุง ูููุชู ุฃูุฏุนููู ูููุงูู ููุฌูุจููู
ู ุฃูุฏุนููู ูููููุณู ููุฌูุจู
3. You are my fate in time, I own
No portion of you, for time is bound
ูฃ. ุฃููุชูู
ููุตูุจู ูู ุงูุฒูู
ุงูู ูููููุณ ูู
ุนููู ุทููู ุงูุฒูู
ุงูู ููุตูุจู
4. Think not my tears flowed, but my soul
Upon you from my eyes does melt and drown
ูค. ูุง ุชูุญุณูุจูุง ุฏูู
ุนู ุชูุญูุฏููุฑู ุฅููููู
ูููุณู ุนูููููู ู
ููู ุงูุฌููููู ุชูุฐูุจู
5. If homes by tears were built, their halls
With tears and hearts would abound
ูฅ. ููููู ุงูููู ุฏุงุฑุงู ุจูุงูุฏูู
ูุนู ุจููุงุคููุง
ุจูููููุช ูููุงูููู ุฃูุฏู
ูุนู ููููููุจู
6. Believe not that the life of one departed
Is bliss, for after parting, no bliss is found
ูฆ. ูุง ุชููุฐูุจูููู ููุนููุดู ููููู ู
ุญูุชูู ูููุง ุจูุนุฏู ุงูููุฑุงูู ููุทูุจู
7. My sin is parting, so if I gain your nearness
Iโll repent from parting, astounded
ูง. ุฐููุจู ุงูููุฑุงูู ูุฅูู ุธูููุฑุชู ุจูููุฑุจูููู
ููุนููู ููุฏูููู ู
ููู ุงูููุฑุงูู ุฃูุชูุจู
8. Of all whose dinar resides in his palm
While good from him is strange, astounded
ูจ. ู
ูู ููููู ู
ูู ุฏููุงุฑููู ู
ูู ููููููู ููุงูุฎููุฑู ุนูููู ุบูุฑูุจู
9. Whether he rose or fell, his reach and gain
Is to you, while he stays near, astounded
ูฉ. ุฅูู ุนูุฒูู ุนูุฒูู ู
ููุงูููู ูููููุงูููู
ุฃูู ุฐูููู ุธูููู ุฅูููููู ููููู ููุฑูุจู
10. Like the full moon in the night of completeness, its stars
Appear, but in the night of loss, confounded
ูกู . ููุงูุจูุฏุฑู ูู ููููู ุงูุชูู
ู ููุฌูู
ุชูุจุฏู ูููู ููููู ุงูู
ูุญุงูู ููุบูุจู
11. All from the straight path dissidents
Why then are the blues given renown?
ูกูก. ููููู ุนููู ุงููููุฌู ุงูููููู
ู ุฎููุงุฑูุฌู
ู ุงูุฃูุฒุงุฑููู ุฎูุตูููุง ุงูุชูุบููููุจู
12. You have of them in heresy, no carnage
A trickle of folk erect and young abound
ูกูข. ูููู ู
ู ูู ุจูุฏุนูุฉู ูุง ููุชููุฉู
ููุทูุฑูููู ูููู
ู ูุงุฆูู
ู ููุดูุจูุจู
13. O you who stir my fervor with your writ
Whereby your gentle torment gives me joy profound
ูกูฃ. ูุง ู
ูู ููููููุฌู ูููุนูุชู ุจูููุชุงุจููู
ููููุทูุจู ูู ู
ูู ุนูุฐุจููู ุงูุชูุนุฐูุจู
14. As if from ardor and breeze, like incense
A scent from you spreads, perfumed compound
ูกูค. ููููุฃูููููุง ู
ูู ุดูููููู ููููุณูู
ูุซูู ุงูู
ูุฑู ูุงุญู ู
ูููุง ุงูุทูุจู
15. It quenches and contents whom its purpose seeks
As if its draft were brewed and wound
ูกูฅ. ููุธู
ุง ููููุฑูู ู
ูู ููุฑูู
ู ู
ุง ุดูุคุจูุจููุง ู
16. It imbibed the intellects of listeners in its draft
So the drinker and the drunk to you were bound
ูกูฆ. ุดูุฑูุจูุช ุนููููู ุงูุณุงู
ูุนููู ุจูุดูุฑุจููุง
ููุฃูุชุงูู ู
ูููุง ุงูุดุงุฑูุจู ุงูู
17. They vie for minds when plundered, and naught
Else is plunderer or plundered, confounded
ูกูง. ุชูุชููุงููุจู ุงูุฃููุจุงุจู ุฅูุฐ ููููุจูุช ููู
ุดููุกู ุณููุงูุง ูุงููุจู ู
18. It marshaled for us the army of eloquence progressing
And from the lines its banners were unfurled
ูกูจ. ุญูุดูุฏูุช ูููุง ุฌููุดู ุงูุจููุงุบูุฉู ุณุงุฆูุฑุงู
ููู ุงูุณูุทูุฑู ูููุงุคููู ู
19. So astounding an army victorious, naught between it
And listeners, evermore, of battle held compound
ูกูฉ. ููุฃูุนุฌูุจ ููุฌููุดู ุธุงููุฑู ู
ุง ุจูููููู
ุฃูุจูุฏุงู ููุจูููู ุงูุณุงู
ูุนููู ุญูุฑูุจู
20. And the sins of my life in your separation abundant
So if I remain with them, then no reproof resound
ูขู . ููุฐูููุจู ุฏููุฑู ูู ููุฑุงูููู ุฌูู
ููุฅูุฐุง ุจููููุช ุจููู ูููุง ุชูุซุฑูุจู
21. Submit! And gain the praise youโve earned
From intellectsโ hands your poured gift astound
ูขูก. ููุงูุณููู
ููุญูุฒู ุซููุงุกููู ุงูู
ููุณูุจู ู
ุฃููุฏู ุงูุนูููู ูููุงูููู ุงูู
22. If the value lessened oneโs value, man
For your worth the welcome and temptation abound!
ูขูข. ุฅูู ููููููู ุงูู
ููุฏุงุฑู ู
ููุฏุงุฑู ุงูู
ููููููุฏุฑููู ุงูุชูุฑุญูุจู ููุงูุชูุฑุบูุจู