1. My killer without a weapon of estrangement, for it has
A blow that makes my tears flow, and they are blood
١. قاتِل بِغَيرِ سِلاحِ الهَجرِ إِنَّ لَهُ
ضَرباً تَسيلُ دُموعي مِنهُ وَهيَ دَمُ
2. I hid what was inside me, its signs on my face
And grief is fire, so tell me how can it be concealed
٢. كَتَمتُ ما بِيَ في وَجهي دَلائِلُهُ
وَالهَمُّ نارٌ فَقُل لي كَيفَ يَنكَتِمُ