1. The earth is vast, yes, but they
Have owned its plants and mines over us
١. الأَرضُ واسِعَةٌ نَعَم لَكِنَّهُم
مَلَكوا عَلَينا نَبتَها وَالمَعدِنا
2. And time passes, its rule over its people
So time is their judge, though our adversary
٢. وَالدَهرُ يَمضي حُكمُهُ في أَهلِهِ
فَالدَهرُ قاضيهِم وَلَكِن خَصمُنا
3. If I were not wronged in merit, no,
And merit refused me, I was wronged
٣. إِن لَم أَكُن في الفَضلِ مَغبوناً فَلا
وَأَبى الفَضيلَةِ ساءَني أُغبَنا
4. The people's hearts testified in their eyes
That the one above us, not beneath us
٤. شَهِدَت قُلوبُ الناسِ عِندَ عُيونِهِم
أَنَّ الَّذي مِن فَوقِنا مِن دونِنا
5. Goodness may testify I'm good
To people, affection has flowed between us
٥. قَد يَشهَدُ الإِحسانُ أَنِّيَ مُحسِنٌ
في الناسِ قَد جَرَتِ المَوَدَّةُ بَينَنا
6. And I accompanied him my life with one trait
I shepherd the wrongdoer, though called good
٦. وَصَحِبتُهُ عُمري بِوَصفٍ واحِدٍ
أَرعى المُسيءَ وَإِن دُعيتُ المُحسِنا
7. If he said time betrayed me, and didn't gain
For his time, by your life, anything gained
٧. إِن قالَ خانَنِيَ الزَمانُ وَما اِقتَنى
لِزَمانِهِ إِلّا لَعَمرُكَ مُقَتَنى
8. If he said time betrayed me, then himself
Had from it, for him, more faithless and hostile
٨. إِن قلَ خانَنِيَ الزَمانُ فَنَفسُهُ
قَد كانَ مِنهُ لَها أَعَقَّ وَأَخوَنا
9. A predecessor living by our memory, so it's as if,
Afterward, if he dwelled in dust, he sprang from us
٩. سَلَفٌ يَعيشُ بِذِكرِنا فَكَأَنَّهُ
مِن بَعدُ لَو سَكَنَ التُرابَ نَبا بِنا
10. And the villainy of all people is the praise of their effort
Their building what the first of them didn't build
١٠. وَلِئامُ كُلِّ الناسِ أَحمَدُ سَعيِهِم
تَشييدُهُم ما كانَ أَوَّلُهُم بَنى
11. And indeed I was silent about time and what transpired
A day, and no reproach flows between us
١١. وَلَقَد سَكَتُّ عَلى الزَمانِ وَما جَرى
يَوماً وَلا يَجري عِتابٌ بَينَنا
12. It passes, and I never blamed a faithless night
Of it, nor praised a faithful day
١٢. يَمضي وَما ذَمَّمتُ لَيلاً كافِرا
مِنهُ وَلَم أَحمَد نَهاراً مُؤمِنا