
They wove the feelings from the night

نسجوا من الليل الشعورا

1. They wove the feelings from the night
And extracted the pearls from the dawn

١. نَسَجوا مِنَ اللَيلِ الشُعورا
وَجَلَوا مِنَ الصُبحِ البُدورا

2. They twisted the prison bars and the
Ribs of the saddles and the chests

٢. وَلَوَوا مِنَ القُضبانِ وَال
كُثبِ الرَوادِفَ وَالخُصورا

3. If I said they told of stars
I was right, they tell of lights

٣. إِن قُلتُ يَحكونَ النُجو
مَ صَدَقتُ يَحكُوهُنَّ نورا

4. And when did you hear of a falling star
That does not dislike to disappear

٤. وَمَتى سَمِعتَ بِنَجمِ أُف
قٍ لَيسَ يَألَفُ أَن يَغورا

5. Or if I said they told of gazelles
I meant nothing but aloofness

٥. أَو قُلتُ يَحكونَ الظِبا
ءِ فَلَم أُرِد إِلّا النُفورا

6. And when you saw the gazelle
You saw it hides in the chests

٦. وَمَتى رَأَيتَ الظَبيَ إِن
مارَيتَ يَكتَنِسُ الصُدورا

7. Or if I said their saliva is sweet
It did not taste the wounds

٧. أَو قُلتَ ريقَتُها المُدا
مُ فَلَم تَذُق مِنها الثُغورا

8. So if you asked about love
Ask the experts about it

٨. فَإِذا سَأَلتَ عَنِ الهَوى
فَاِسأَل بِهِ مِنهُم خَبيرا

9. And the supporter of murders
If gathered, salt would be a prince

٩. وَمُؤَيَّدِ الفَتَكاتِ لَو
جُمِعَ المِلاحُ غَدا أَميرا

10. As if it is a garden
That carried from the hellfire burning brands

١٠. وَكَأَنَّما هُوَ جَنَّةٌ
حَمَلَت مِنَ النارِ السَعيرا

11. A star that distributes to it suns
Then waters it with pearls

١١. نَجمٌ يُوَزِّعُها شُمو
ساً ثُمَّ يَسقيها بُدورا

12. I have two questions about you
And I remained short of them

١٢. لي فيكَ مَسأَلَتانِ وَه
مي ظَلَّ دونَهُما قَصيرا

13. A coal on your cheek, how can
That reproach remain unique to it

١٣. جَمرٌ بِخَدِّكَ كَيفَ يَب
قى ذا العِذارُ بِهِ نَضيرا

14. Coolness on your lips, how can I be
Satisfied with it and inherit burning

١٤. بَرَدٌ بِثَغرِكَ كَيفَ أَر
شُفُهُ فَيورِثُني سَعيرا