
Though you may clothe me in a garment of blessing,

وإنك إن ألبستني ثوب نعمة

1. Though you may clothe me in a garment of blessing,
I tread carefully, giving thanks for what little it brings,

١. وَإِنَّكَ إِن أَلبَستَني ثَوبَ نِعمَةٍ
خطرتُ بِبُردٍ مِنهُ بِالحَمدِ مُعلَمِ

2. For a gift placed in the hands of one who speaks
Is not like a gift placed in hands that are silent.

٢. وَلَيسَت يَدٌ أَودَعتَها عِندَ ناطِقٍ
كَمِثلِ يَدٍ أَودَعتَها عِندَ مُفحَمِ

3. This rose up from the lips of the eloquent speaker,
That fell from the quiet beneath the darkened veil.

٣. فَهَذي عَلَت مِن مُفصِحٍ فَوقَ مُسفِرٍ
وَهَذي هَوَت مِن مُفحَمٍ تَحت مُظلِمِ

4. And how often the world was stingy with the words of a praiser,
A master of speech, yet the giver's bounty was restrained.

٤. وَكَم شَحَّتِ الدُنيا بِلَهجَةِ مادِحٍ
بَليغٍ فَلَم تُبلِغهُ مِنَّةُ مُنعِمِ