
His reproach has captivated my eyes with its excess

عذاره قد سبى طرفي تطرفه

1. His reproach has captivated my eyes with its excess
And I was healed of it by a diversion I do not divert

١. عِذارُهُ قَد سَبى طَرفي تَطَرُّفُهُ
وَشَفَّني مِنهُ صَرفٌ لَستُ أَصرِفُهُ

2. And the resolve of my patience towards it went away
So patience stopped my resolve by its hesitation

٢. وَخِلتُ عَزمَةَ صَبري عَنهُ ماضِيَةً
فَاِستَوقَفَ الصَبرَ عَن عَزمي تَوَقُّفُهُ

3. This is a book read by the eye of the heart
Its letters drip away from the eyes of readers

٣. هَذا كِتابٌ بِعَينِ القَلبِ تُقرَؤُهُ
تَدِقُّ عَن أَعيُنِ القارينَ أَحرُفُهُ

4. The image of beauty is nothing but a revealed chapter
So how can its manuscript not accept kissing?

٤. ما صورَةُ الحُسنِ إِلّا سورَةٌ نَزَلَت
فَكَيفَ لا يَقبَلُ التَقبيلَ مُصحَفُهُ

5. If roses in the morning do not excite love
Then by what has its weakness excited its weakened?

٥. إِن يُصبِحِ الوَردُ لا يُغري الغَرامَ بِهِ
ضَعيفُهُ فبما أَغراهُ مُضعَفُهُ

6. Oh, what a beloved whose gathering has become lowly
And what a lover whose stance has become dear

٦. فَيا لَهُ مِن حَبيبٍ هانَ مَجلِسُهُ
وَيا لَهُ مِن مُحِبٍّ عَزَّ مَوقِفُهُ